ATI Bomb Threat?


ATI stock imploding last two days. Head office message says no one there for last two days.

Rumour: Bomb threat at head office in Markham, Ontario caused the clearout.

Can anyone confirm this???
MuFu said:
Hint taken! I'm off to cash in me life-savings and re-mortage my house to invest it all in ATi stock RIGHT NOW!!!! :D

(BTW-I said that "the R420 will be the bomb!", not "the R420 is a bomb. :rolleyes: )

Gotta run, the banks close in an hour! ;)
ATI bomb threat...

Nortel collateral damage + Tech correction + Worse than expected Q1 market share + Bomb threat rumour

= down 14.7% since Monday & good news for shorts.

Decent R420 launch details/specs on Tuesday might bring some of this back.
digitalwanderer said:
MuFu said:
Hint taken! I'm off to cash in me life-savings and re-mortage my house to invest it all in ATi stock RIGHT NOW!!!! :D

(BTW-I said that "the R420 will be the bomb!", not "the R420 is a bomb. :rolleyes: )

Gotta run, the banks close in an hour! ;)

A word of advice, smart investors don't put everything they have in one stock all at once. Big no no.
ATI bomb threat

Got confirmation. There was a bomb threat yesterday at head office in Markham. A police sweep of the building after hours turned up nothing and staff was asked not to return until 1pm today. Otherwise there was no impact on the firm's operations.

Now we can get back to business and look forward to the R420 launch next Tuesday - and finally see some real performance numbers vs NV40...