No, they are dangerous. For example
Oh, and where's Linda Hicks? Did they ever find a body?
Search for "Sea Org" and "Fair Game" rules.
They've got money and star power too. John Travolta paid $20,000 to finance an attack on Keith Henson's lawyer. As of now, just for joking about a "Tom Cruise Missile" and protesting their "Gold Base", he is a fugitive on the run on Canada, he has lost his job, his house (thanks to a Scientology civil case), denied Chapter 13 bankruptcy, they tried to deny his wife any funds from the house, and now they are threatening his daughter.
And all because a bunch of people chose to believe the UTTERLY STUPID scientology religion that we were all once, in a former life, a giant clam called the "Boo Hoo" or "Grim Weeper", that our Thetans stood in line for up to 22 million years at "implant centers" waiting for a human body to be implanted into, yadda yadda yadda.
You think I'm f*cking joking? There are people who not only believe this and pay tens of thousands of dollars to gain access to higher and higher Hubbard stories in the cult, but that submit themselves to virtual prison camp labor for violating minor cult rules, and who participate, KNOWINGLY, in the destruction of individuals who try and criticize the cult.
Man, I hate even thinking of scientology, because what they've done and gotten away with over the years makes my blood boil. I think they're worse than the Mafia.
It's not a joke and it's not funny. I put these guys one step below Aum Shinryko.