april 13 for nv40 now official

Hah I was wrong then if this is good to go. NV40 is not going to be late (relatively speaking heh). :oops:
unless its just a paper launch but it would be nice to have 2 cards right off the bat. Mabye they will hav ea pre launch price war :)
Evanescence said:
unless its just a paper launch

Nvidia's german establishment swear that NV40 gonna be available worldwide not later than May.

Suddenly Nvidia is to be trusted on their word? Let me remind everyone: Nvidia's CEO swore numerous times that NV30 would be available worldwide in time for the 2002 Christmas holiday season. We know how true that was.
Howabout they launch NV40 which is really NV45 (according to some people) but have problems with it and only make a 10,000 of them or so and the 'real' launch for the 'real' product happens in Q3'04?

Whuddathunk something like that could ever happen (NV30)?!!

Good luck to NVIDIA with their next product, I really do believe that NV are out for ATI's jugular and doing it correctly this time. Meaning that they have a product that can finally compete with their competitor on a level playing field without and dirty tricks and smoke or mirrors... well we can dream cant we!!
X-Bit mentioned May as the date for NV40 entering production, as told to them by a representative of one of nVidia's AIB partners.