2 Heathen, Vince:
I have no doubt that M1 is generations ahead of T-72, I was talking about a very specific conditions: low visibility (no more than 100 meters) and without air support. And about IR systems, I have a very fun article of serbians as they effectively masked real tanks and create models which your aircafts with IR systems accepted as aims. I post it if you want lately, cause I'm not eager to translate a big text.
2 vince:
"The troops made a rapid advance under heavy allied air protection that wiped out a column of charging Iraqi armor and sent some of Saddam's outer defenses withdrawing toward the capital..."
"To get here, the troops drove north through flat, desert terrain, passing bombed trucks that had anti-aircraft guns mounted on them, empty foxholes and berms dug for tanks that had been abandoned by Iraqi forces. Cabs of the anti-aircraft trucks were peeled back missile blasts, which scorched the ground around the trucks. Some had bodies still inside, burned beyond recognition."
I was talking about effectivness of bombing Baghdad and Basra.
It would appear that Russian mass-media doesn't report alot. Not that this is anything new.. I love how so many Russians (and Europeans in general) are against the war, yet they're listning to total BS and have so little substantive information.
Ignorance is Bliss indeed.
Russian mass-media report all, from Al-Jazeera to CNN, and almost each channel have reporters in Iraq, both on argessors and defenders side. It is not our war, so there is no a any necessity to lie. Can't sayl the same about american Gebels's style propaganda.
About Iraq's missile it was my mistake, IRNA message counted evrywhere.
Just for experiment, did you here these facts:
1. 2 correspondents of aljazeera lost there journalist's badges (? "accreditation" on russian) in USA for "not right describing of war".
The specially opened english site
is shutted down (at least right now).
2. Over 5000 Iraq's people went into there motherland from Iordaniya to fight against agressors during last weak. (About 350 000 Iraqis left Iraq in 1991 after 1st war. What is intresting, that though some of them were persecuted by Saddam's regime, they despite of this "must take part in jihad against agressors")
3. As witnesses assert, american pilot intentionally shot into bus with Siries civillians. (In our media it presented with reference to IRNA).
p.s. Europeans and Russians against war simply because we understand that the real reasons for war is economical interests of USA. With such kind of wars you support your currency, and we understand that the day when the Dollar fail to Euro in a competition for being a standard currency for international deals, will be the last they of America's hegemony.
Of cource I can't say for Europeans, but in Russia majority think in such way.
p.s. At least europeans now are not so stupid as they were in Serbia's war when they paid for operation, which result became weakening of Euro