Anybody playing the Dark Knight ARG/Viral?


Agent of the Bat
I've been playing the Dark Knight ARG/Viral since last summer. This is the first time I've been on Beyond 3D in over a week. I haven't even turned on the Xbox 360 in over week too. It's been taking over my life. ;) Last week I was one of 30 people that received Joker swag packages including a Joker camera phone, Joker card and other stuff. Went Monday to one of 12 private screenings/scavenger hunts in Dallas. Got to see the new Dark Knight trailer before it goes public this weekend. I'm having more fun doing this than playing a lot of the games I've played the last couple of years. If you're interested in catching up on the story and the game I highly suggest visiting the Dark Knight Wiki at Then I would head over to Superhero Hype! forums for up-to-second discussion. It's pretty much the largest community on the Internet for the game.

Check out the Jokerized version of the trailer I got to see on Monday. It was one of 12 real film reels that they gave out as a prize after the screening. I didn't win. :( Whoever won the reel was told to share with everybody on the Internet. Finding a projector or theater to do that had its challenges. The one linked below was the one won from the Chicago event.

Tommy McClain
Another YouTube video of Jokerized trailer

Evidently the guy who won the film reel in Dallas has posted his YouTube video of the Jokerized trailer.

I laugh every time I see that light saber bit. LOL :LOL: A lot of the guys said that portions of the reel were different for different cities. Whoever did them actually cut or engraved the changes to the actual film. Here's the link to pics made of the London reel...

Tommy McClain
The guy from London who won the Jokerized trailer reel got his up on YouTube. Check it out below...
