Any legal-only stuff torrent sites out there?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
There's a lot of game demos, videos, maps, mods etc that would be perfect for a torrent network to keep track of. Not to mention free music and whatever other stuff there might be... What alternatives are there? Any at all? :p
Yea but the major sites are getting under major fire right now from the major copyright holders... :p That's why I asked. ;)
RussSchultz said:
No. Sharing copyrighted material without license/permission from the copyright holder is illegal.
Ok, that's what I thought but I personally hold downloading TV shows in a legally grey area. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
RussSchultz said:
No. Sharing copyrighted material without license/permission from the copyright holder is illegal.
Ok, that's what I thought but I personally hold downloading TV shows in a legally grey area. ;)

IIRC there was a court case in the US that excluded TV show recordings by classing them as timeshifting. It covered the case where a friend lends you a tape of a show he recorded (even if he puts it into the mail for you).

However with the current US legislation that the movie/TV companies are trying to push through, they are trying to slip timeshifting in under the radar on the back of that proposed legislation, hence things like the broadcast flag.

Anyone notice that Warners has said they will start selling DVDs in China for $2.65 to combat piracy?
Yeah, filesoup is my staple diet when it comes to grabbing the latest episodes of enterprise. :) It's a good site IMO.

(Incidentally, I'm getting DL speed of nearly half a meg a second right now on episode 4.16. OMG! :oops: Now it's OVER half a meg! 560K/s peak.. Whoah!)