Any good movie with the World Trade Center in it ?



It was in my plan since many years to visite the World Trade Center. But now i cant. Any movie where we can see it a lot ? Like almost the entire movie around it ? ( And dont say movies about the 11 sept. )


Saturday night fever at the end of the movie you see them zoom from him and they show it . They have just been built like the year or two before it and is one of the firs t movies with them in it.

The king kong from the 80s . He climbs them

Daylight or stalone . They get trapped in the tunnel and at the end they come up right in front of them .

if i think of anymore i will post um.
I think the Ghostbusters movies have quite a few scenes with them in it. Especially in the second one, where they "drive" the Statue of Liberty through Manhattan.
Like any episode of pre-season 4 of Sex and the City has the WTC in the background ;)

(well actually pre Season 4 episode 12, but whatever).
I watched Godspell a few weeks ago, and it was filmed during the construction of the towers. (One of them was complete, because one of the scenes was on top of the tower with the observation deck).

Anyways, its a different film to watch (film version of a 70's Jesus Freak/Hippy musical) and difficult for many (I had to watch it while my wife was out of town), but I was surprised at the amount of footage that the WTC got.

And yes, thats what netflix will do to you. Almost nothing is not worth watching.