Angel Love Online


Don't ask. :p It's on the JP PS Store, and will apparently hit the US (and maybe EU) PS Store in December. Apparently from Tetsuya Mizuguchi, who did Space Channel 5, Lumines, and Rez. Anyway, its a free download, that appears to support itself through micro-transactions.

Right now everything is in Japanese, but I wanted to give it a try anyway, so, I've tried to post a registration walk-through below in case anyone else is interested (or until a properly translated walk-through with pictures is available).

Go Here:

At the bottom of that page you'll see two text entry boxes with an orange button beneath them. Enter and re-enter the email address you want to register with in those 2 email boxes. Hit the orange button to begin the registration.

An email will be sent to the email address you entered. Was pretty immediate for me. Open that email and follow the link. It will take you to the next page of the registration.

The first item is your Q ID. Must be between 5 - 16 alphanumeric characters.

The second and third items are your password and password confirmation, respectively. Same restrictions as the Q ID.

The fourth item is a radio box, with Male (1st radio) and Female (2nd radio). I think. :D

The fifth item is your birth date. Year, Month, Day.

The sixth item is an image authentication. There should be numbers in the image, if not, reload the page (worked for me).

Press the big orange button at the bottom to submit your registration info.

The next page is simply a review page to confirm your information before registration. The orange button on the left at the bottom of the confirmation information will submit the information.

The next page is confirmation that the registration is complete. You'll also get a confirmation email.

At that point, you should be able to log in. Remember, O is X and X is O for this game (like most in the region I presume).

With the registration complete, you're going to have to stumble your way into and through the game like I am (trying to). :p
Thanks for the walkthrough. Very nice to help people out with getting access to this title.

Now, to tell us what Angel Love is about to see if we want to partake or not? :mrgreen:
Okay. IGN has some pics. As a free game, it's a novel move for a console title. I wonder if it'll spur on any more PS3 owners to go online, and how well it'll fair against the plentiful free PC titles of this ilk?
Okay. IGN has some pics. As a free game, it's a novel move for a console title. I wonder if it'll spur on any more PS3 owners to go online, and how well it'll fair against the plentiful free PC titles of this ilk?

According to Some Guy at GAF (who supposedly is publishing these in Europe) Europe will be getting a few PS3 games like this (Free to play MMOs). No idea if it'll be this one, or anything more than what I just said, really.
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Here's a better sign-up tutorial with pictures from a user at the GameTrailers forums.

Thanks for the walkthrough. Very nice to help people out with getting access to this title.

Now, to tell us what Angel Love is about to see if we want to partake or not? :mrgreen:

I would have loved to tell everyone that, if I knew what the heck was going on! :LOL: Logged in just fine, and got past the (simple) character creation portion. You apparently get 1, of 3, character slots for free to start with.

Past that and you're in the game proper, which is where my impressions of it end, as its where my comprehension of it stopped. I would have to play around a lot without a tutorial to figure it all out. Didn't realize it at the time, but I actually took several screenshots somehow (saved directly to the XMB) before I quit the game.

Very old-school look, sprite based, as you've probably seen from the screenshots on the web. I'll probably try it out again later.