Amusing article: A Gamer's Manifesto

I actually agree with a good number of those points, specially 1.

I also remember this and how much I hated it.
Instant-Failure Stealth Levels. Ack. This brings back horrible memories of a Goldeneye level where if you tripped an alarm, an infinite number of bad guys poured forth. We knew a man who failed that level 37 times, then got the Infinite Health cheat for it and came back. He intentionally tripped the alarm, the guards rushed out. Laughing maniacally, he proceeded to shoot those fuckers for four hours, killing 1,183 of them - 682 with groin shots - before his thumbs cramped up. Your game should not create this kind of bitterness.

I only passed that level once, I trigered the alarm and I must have broken some record in terms of shots fired/time/head shots because I indeed passed that level the way that everyone told me it is impossible to do, take that RARE (laughing maniacally) .
Two, as developers have lamented, the guts of the new consoles are geared to make the gaming equivalent of dumb blondes. It has to do with the fact that both the XBox 360 and the PS3's Cell CPU use "in-order" processing, which, to greatly simplify, means they've intentionally crippled the ability to make clever A.I. and dynamic, unpredictable, wide-open games in favor of beautiful water reflections and explosion debris that flies through the air prettily.
I stopped reading right there, firstly because that is just plain wrong and secondly because I realised that this is really old, at least a year.
I miss Old Man Murray, he needs to make a come back. :)

The entire article reads like Eric and Chet from OMM, complete with crate references, the bitching over taking on an alien invasion with a water pistol (they refused to review Gun Man Chronicles because you were sent to hunt down the most dangerous monsters in the known universe and started out with a knife) and the reference to Grim Fandango. Eric later worked (works?) at Double Fine (Psychonauts), headed by Tim Schafer, the father of Grim Fandango (amongst a whole list of some of the best games EVAR).

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