America is a weird country...

The Japanese (if memory serves) created this wonderful thing back in the day called high-fructose corn syrup. Many times sweeter than sucrose, highly soluble, and much cheaper to boot. Made the perfect sweetner for all sorts of food products (look on labels, you'd be surprised how many times you find it fairly high on the list of ingredients... ketchup, bbq sauces, some salad dressings, jellies/jams, "fruit" juices, etc.).

It may have been the Japanese how invented it but it was $ucsessfull lobbying by ADM that made it the sweetener most used in the US.
Now an aside. Why does high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) exist? Richard Manning shows in Against the Grain that ADM financed the lobbying effort that led to the blatantly protectionist sugar-quota system that went into effect in 1982 and has held sway ever since. (Signed into law by one zealously pro-free trade president, Reagan, it now has the full support of another, GW Bush. Clinton, too, paraded his free-trade credentials while accepting the sugar quotas).
Kombucha is a superb drink, I could not vouch for its supposed health benefits but if you make it yourself which is neither difficult nor technical but does take a certain amount of effort, well you know exactly what went in to it, because you made it. I only know one brand of commercially sold Kombucha drink and compared to the stuff you make yourself, I would not bother with it.

Saludos Amigos
Zapata :D
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