America is a weird country...

Yeek! 12 cans A DAY??? Do you DO anything else besides running to the bathroom, or have you simply evolved a bladder the size of a bathtub to compensate? :LOL:
Yeah, it's not that healthy either but still better then the non-diet. I just can't drink bottled water, tastes like...errm, nothing.

LOL ;) it is no good if something might be healthy but one would not touch it because it does not suit one's palate but e.g. there are lots of tricks like e.g. you can make a mix of pure fruit juice and water or e.g. hot herbal teas eg raspberry flavour, mixed fruits flavour and rose flavour are pretty nice, well I like them and if you live in a hot country to drink a hot herbal tea that might seem crazy but strangely it does seem to work okay. Also [ Kefir ] a type of Yogurt makes a nice drink.

Saludos Amigo
if you live in a hot country to drink a hot herbal tea that might seem crazy but strangely it does seem to work okay.

Well, AFAIK warm (not hot though!) Tea be it herbal or "real" (no sugar!) is one of the best drinks against sweating - at least that's what experts(tm) around here always say during the annual heat waves...:)
And it's my favorite alternative after mineral water.

Also [ Kefir ] a type of Yogurt makes a nice drink.

Ayran FTW! (Seriously, after going WTF at first, I'm really into it now...)
Yeek! 12 cans A DAY??? Do you DO anything else besides running to the bathroom, or have you simply evolved a bladder the size of a bathtub to compensate? :LOL:
Bladder the size of a bathtub with a vacuum where my liver should be, at least that's what all my friends swore about me back in my drinking days. :LOL:

Realize though that I spend about 18-20 hours a day conscious.
Ayran FTW! (Seriously, after going WTF at first, I'm really into it now...)
w00t, there are non living on Balkans people who know and like ayran/kefir/yogurt ?! :)

btw, on next morning after being drunk one can try airan(or yogurt with water 1:1 + salt), cucumber on small pieces (with grater) and the juice of 1 piece of garlic... just don't try to kiss your girl before freshing your mouth... ;)
It isn't just that regular soft drinks (coke/pop/cola/soda/whatever) have sugar that makes them bad but rather the specific type of sugar (as if a pound of sucrose isn't bad enough).

The Japanese (if memory serves) created this wonderful thing back in the day called high-fructose corn syrup. Many times sweeter than sucrose, highly soluble, and much cheaper to boot. Made the perfect sweetner for all sorts of food products (look on labels, you'd be surprised how many times you find it fairly high on the list of ingredients... ketchup, bbq sauces, some salad dressings, jellies/jams, "fruit" juices, etc.).

The problem is that our body doesn't metabolize fructose like most other sugars. Instead of breaking it down into glucose or glucose-like intermediates (that can be isomerized to glucose), it pretty much goes straight to fat and does a couple of nasty things along the way. In a way, it's like eating tree-bark or grass... our system just isn't set up to digest and metabolize it properly.

Aside from that, the phosphates aren't the best things for you as your body has to regulate the levels of phosphates and an overload can put a strain on that system (more than a few kidney stones are probably caused or exacerbated by the phosphates in soft drinks). And caffein is a diuretic, so to maintain proper salt and water equilibrium you should drink a can or so of water for every soft drink.

That being said, I drink a couple of diet soft drinks a day. Often it is intentionally to get the caffein, as I'm not a coffee drinker. But I do like my diet Sunkist!
On the flight from NY to SF, I was introduced to yet another item in the low-salt hysteria that still seems to be sweeping that nation since the 80s (and everyone over here thankfully had forgotten by the start of the 90s);

I've actually had the opposite impression - that America loves salt. There's salt everywhere. Everything is cooked bland and you just dump salt on it and voila! Tasty! Better than Germany though ....... they don't even give you salt :D
I've actually had the opposite impression - that America loves salt. There's salt everywhere. Everything is cooked bland and you just dump salt on it and voila! Tasty! Better than Germany though ....... they don't even give you salt :D
The food shouldn't need additional flavour to taste great. ;)

All the "Real American food" over here comes in king-size portions and is very tacky, sweet, soft and bland. Even things like hamburgers (Mc Donalds). But I don't know how they compare to the real thing.
I'd be ashamed to think that McDonalds is "real American food."

Try some Memphis style BBQ spare ribs, dry or wet your choice. Plenty of taste to go around. :)
Ever noticed that milk actually has more calories than coke? :cool:

So does 1/4 lb of lean turkey and a serving of brown rice.

Calories aren't everything. Lactose in milk is a dissacharide that can easily be broken down and metabolized by our body. Not to mention that milk contains a signficant coloric content in the form of protein.

Milk... it does the body good. :)
w00t, there are non living on Balkans people who know and like ayran/kefir/yogurt ?! :)

Yup, I love yoghurt/kefir but I don't like ayran at all.

And about Germany and salt: yup, the people here have yet to discover salt. Or any serious spices, for that matter.
w00t, there are non living on Balkans people who know and like ayran/kefir/yogurt ?! :)

Well, living in the 15. district of Vienna (with several great balkanese/turkish restaurants in immediate vicinity, and lots of those great little shops who don't give a shit to opening hour regulations) certainly did help...:)

btw, on next morning after being drunk one can try airan(or yogurt with water 1:1 + salt), cucumber on small pieces (with grater) and the juice of 1 piece of garlic... just don't try to kiss your girl before freshing your mouth... ;)

Hmm. Interesting, never tried ayran that way - and I certainly could have needed it in the past...;)
Well, living in the 15. district of Vienna (with several great balkanese/turkish restaurants in immediate vicinity, and lots of those great little shops who don't give a shit to opening hour regulations) certainly did help...:)

Ohhh, I sooo miss those little shops here in Germany. All over-regulated, no chance for that to fly here :(

Hmm. Interesting, never tried ayran that way - and I certainly could have needed it in the past...;)

That's how ayran is made, yoghurt/water 50/50 and salt :)
Ohhh, I sooo miss those little shops here in Germany. All over-regulated, no chance for that to fly here :(

You know, I always wondered why no one at the magistrate seems to bother, maybe some loophole in regulations. But as long as it doesn't change for the worse...

That's how ayran is made, yoghurt/water 50/50 and salt :)

I know - I didn't mean the composition, but the kind of usage. (i.e. as a hangover cure :) )
Whoever actually enjoys club soda, enjoy your plain white walls and conservative sense of style, you bores.

Spice up your life and drink tonic water.