What's bugging me is that in something like CoD:WaW with 4xMSAA HD4870 should be about 26% faster than HD4850. With "HD4750" at 90% of HD4850, that makes HD4750 apparently 71% of HD4870.
Texturing is 69% of HD4870... Are the TUs having more of a pronounced effect in these benchmarks - allowing only 8 RBEs to hold the fort?
I didn't evaluate performance in comparison with HD4830:
- GFLOPs - 113%
- Texture - 113%
- Bandwidth - 89%
Averaging 108% in games. Taken at face value, if an 8-RBE RV740 is able to do this then it means that TUs are dominating the performance of these games, and that the 32 TUs in HD4670 just didn't have enough bandwidth.