I too had a great weekend, played SH4/Siren/Onimusha 3/Bond:Everything or Nothing/The Suffering/SC

andora Tommorrow.

T: I am surprised how good is SC

T. Graphics are significantly better than SC1(PS2) and it should get atleast 9/10 IMO. Lighting/Shadowing is brilliant at places. Why can't they have dynamic shadowing in entire game? Is it bec'se it is not possible on PS2 or bec'se they didn't have enough time? Frequent (not that frequent) Checkpoints/savepoints are actually helpful.
SH4: Different from other SH games till now. I couldn't determine whether graphics were better or lesser than SH3. Story is quite interesting (though I still have to figure it out). It is easier to kill dogs this time. But those flying men are so irritating, they simply refuse to die.
Bond-EON: This game surprised me most. TONs of action packed gameplay with good graphics/steady frame rate despite explosions all around. Gameplay is fast and easy. At times you have do SC (stealth). Among better games of this year.
Siren: Visuals are so different. Trying to figure out how to go about chapter 2.
The Suffering: It is like Half Life. Good that you can play either 3rd or 1st person view. Nice shadowing effects.
Onimusha 3: By mistake got Japanese copy instead of English. Shall return it. Opening FMV by Robot was jawdropping

. They were only a notch below FF:TSW. I hope next gen give us atleast those visuals.