All us Yanks are wondering...

Nah, we can't really ask people to disclose their private voting choices.

What would be nice is a review of the various parties. With benchmarks. And graphs. And image quality analyis. ;)
it's a conspiracy... everyone voted tory yet labour won!



i voted labour... the swaying factor? i don't think michael howard has what it takes... Other than that there wasn't much to divide them in my mind - felt like i was trying to decide the lesser of two evils, which is not really a good thing :?
rusty said:
it's a conspiracy... everyone voted tory yet labour won!



i voted labour... the swaying factor? i don't think michael howard has what it takes... Other than that there wasn't much to divide them in my mind - felt like i was trying to decide the lesser of two evils, which is not really a good thing :?

Thats what politics is.
Ppoliticians are (in my opinion) lying scum weasels. The first thing they should do when electing politicians is ask if they want the job, if they do then that should immediatly disqualify them.
Well, I voted Labour as I tend to do.

That said, our local Tory candidate is a complete arsehole so there was not a chance in the world of me voting for him! 8)
I voted Labour as well. Don't trust the Torys [and i am not gonna say who i associate the Tory's to], they are far to right for my liking and their idealism is not to far from the BNP's but obviously in diluted form......DAMN its a good thing i'm now a British citizen.
JaylumX said:
I voted Labour as well. Don't trust the Torys [and i am not gonna say who i associate the Tory's to], they are far to right for my liking and their idealism is not to far from the BNP's but obviously in diluted form......DAMN its a good thing i'm now a British citizen.

I disagree 100% and am quite insulted by the connection. I hate the BNP, I live in its heartland, I despise it and racism of any form. A set limit on immigration is a mere number and has nothing to do with people seeking genuine asylum, nor does it affect the current population. Deporting bogus asylum seekers and stopping the inhumane human trafficking groups is not racist. Allowing more genuine and less bogus asylum seekers into the country is not racist. It's just something for people to misunderstand and get angry about.
sytaylor said:
A set limit on immigration is a mere number and has nothing to do with people seeking genuine asylum, nor does it affect the current population. Deporting bogus asylum seekers and stopping the inhumane human trafficking groups is not racist. Allowing more genuine and less bogus asylum seekers into the country is not racist. It's just something for people to misunderstand and get angry about.

Which is fair enough. However, blurring the boundaries between immigration and asylum-seekage, and from there between legal immigration, illegal immigration, genuine asylum seekage and bogus asylum seekage is the root cause.

Howard said *during the election* that every year 250 thousand immigrants enter the country, and that there are loads of bogus asylum seekers who abscond and never get kicked out.

He (deliberatlely IMO) allowed the audience to interpolate/extrapolate between those two figures, which is the dishonest bit. That 50% of that 250k are white, English-speaking Europeans, Americans and ANZACS was not mentioned. That they had a perfect legal right to enter the country (by virtue of being EU citizens or being granted a work permit) was glossed over.

Howards language was quite clearly not racist, nor was raising the issue. It was undeniably obvious however what "Are you thinking what we're thinking" *actually* meant. It was meant to be ambiguous.

Maybe I *am* misunderstanding his message, but if that's the case he should say what he bloody well means rather than asking whether or not (*nudge*) I know what he means (*nudge* *wink*). With a big topping of plausible deniability heaped on top.
nutball said:
Howards language was quite clearly not racist, nor was raising the issue. It was undeniably obvious however what "Are you thinking what we're thinking" *actually* meant. It was meant to be ambiguous.
Around our area I noticed there were BNP posters with the same slogan. I thought to myself "I bl***** hope not".
Hey Simon... Bloody isn't a swear word.. or is it? I bl**** well hope it isn't - ;)

I believe the Tories did have plans to set limits on totol immigration which included asylum seekers?

Anyway the election is over and the main lesson learnt from this election is that the Tories had a golden oppurtinunity but were unable to grasp it, the Lib Dems made some inroads as they were expected to but not close to what they could have acheived. Labour is still in government despite the Iraq war and the next general elections Labour will have two advantages, no Blair and people will have forgotten about Iraq.

The biggest disadvantage will be and always has been the economy. The economy is as we speak slowing down, house prices are beginning to slow almost at zero inflation in some places and the strong economic performance of the last 4 years cannot go on forever.

I don't have anyone to vote for personally. I despise Tony Blair for a variety of reasons (one of which Iraq), the conservatives are a mess, have been since Thatcher left, the Lib Dems are a "me too" party and don't have policies in place for things like the pension crisis. I am only impressed by George Galloway's victory. Respect to him for standing up for what he believed in and doing something about it.
Tahir said:
The biggest disadvantage will be and always has been the economy. The economy is as we speak slowing down, house prices are beginning to slow almost at zero inflation in some places and the strong economic performance of the last 4 years cannot go on forever.

The next election will be a big decider, the credit card budget is no way to run a country and the way Brown has destroyed Ken Clarkes financial prudence is starting to take its effect. There is another tax rise on the way, and interest rates can only go in one direction...
RussSchultz said:

Well, I'm not sure what to make of it. From the table linked to in the blog

they gained 0.7% of the popular vote, up 0.5% from the last election. Is that a problem? I'm not sure. (The table shows them to be fifth amongst the parties running in England in terms of vote share, and 8th if you include the regionalist and single-issue parties).
mickrhcf said:
i voted for maggie thatches prodigal son,
good old tony,such a nice tory boy


Well i couldn't vote... Too European for that...