Aliens: Colonial Marines screens

Yeah, right. Let's blame the consoles again. Nevermind the fact that the game's visuals are significantly downgraded on those and the game runs like utter shit. Throwing around accusations are just way too much fun. Just ask Randy "it wasn't me" Pitchfork van Molyneux. Apparently he's quite fond of that particular practice.

Who's saying the consoles are to blame?

The gameplay demo they released was a friggin' lie, plain and simple. No different from the infamous Killzone 2 trailer really. (except that game turned out rather well) Just about everything in that 11 minute demo was a fabrication.

The demo isn't a CGI fabrication because:
1 - it was a playable demo, at least according to some people who say they played it at E3 2011 (and complained that gameplay mechanics weren't really top notch).
2 - the exact same scenes exist in the game, with the same models, mostly the same geometry and same level design. It's the lighting system and particle system (steam and fog) that were in the demo and are pretty much non-existant in the final game, along with some scripted stuff that changed. Without the proper lighting,the scenes practically nosedived from an excellent, typical-Alien horror environment to a playmobil/barbie&ken stage with 2d effects for explosions.

Here's some further investigation from Kotaku:

The post on Reddit matches what our source has told us, but there's more. When TimeGate took over the project, our source said, they threw out most of what Gearbox had done beforehand. All of the art and design that Gearbox had produced during the previous four years was gone.

So from 2010 until late last year, while Gearbox was working on Borderlands 2 (internally codenamed "Willow 2"), TimeGate handled the bulk of development on Aliens. A small team at Gearbox helped out with multiplayer work, as explained by both our source and the Redditor, but TimeGate built the single-player campaign.

In late 2012, when Gearbox saw what TimeGate had done, most of their developers weren't interested in taking the game back, our source said. Gearbox's team was upset that their work had been thrown out, and they didn't want this to be a repeat of Duke Nukem Forever, a game that took over a decade to develop until it was finally finished by Gearbox and released in mid-2011 to tepid response.

But Gearbox had to finish the game, and according to our source, they had to throw out much of TimeGate's work and start from scratch.

So what they say is that:
1 - Gearbox did part of the game, then GB had to work on other stuff so they gave it to Timegate
2 - Timegate throws away whatever Gearbox had done
3 - After finishing Borderlands 2, GB collects whatever Timegate had done, finds it below expectations, throws away stuff that was done and proceeds to build some assets for the third time.

Honestly, to me it looks more like a game of pride and prejudice that ended up horribly wrong for everyone involved.

With DNF, Gearbox had the excuse that the game had been in development hell for too long from other studios and they had the trouble to re-organize everything, adapt/rebuild many assets to use in an updated engine and launch within an acceptable time frame.

Colonial Marines has been in the hands of Gearbox from the very beginning, so it's entirely their responsibility.
I loved Borderlands 1 in coop and am eagerly waiting for an opportunity to play Borderlands 2 cooped with the same friends. But I think Sega should sue them for all they've got, 20th Century Fox should stop them from making an Aliens game ever again, and Randy Pitchford should immediately step down from president and CEO of Gearbox, since he'll never be taken seriously again.
It sounds like their Duke Forever and Counterstrike: Condition Zero projects. They get a wreck and whip it into a coherent product. Actually it's impressive in a way. $60 is crazy, but it is named Aliens and has serious brand appeal. I figure the price will be halved within a few months as with AVP3.

The TV ads running in the UK make it look like a much better game, so they are obviously hoping to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and just market the game to death.
It's just a mediocre game with a big advertisement budget. There's nothing new about that.

Nevermind the fact that the game's visuals are significantly downgraded on those and the game runs like utter shit.
I played it on a Core 2 2GHz + Mobility 4670 512M for a bit and it ran fine with the default settings, although the native resolution is 1360x768 on there. It runs like other UE3-based PS360 shooters.

I don't know if you're hitting a language barrier or something similar, but I said/wrote no such thing.
Perhaps if you point out exactly where you got that interpretation, I could help you understand it.

Also, what does it matter whether the demo was pre-rendered or not. I don't get o play it either way, so for me it might as well be a complete fabrication.

If it was in the playable demo, then it's a clear proof that some assets were clearly downgraded, which matters to the discussion at hand.
I don't know if you're hitting a language barrier or something similar, but I said/wrote no such thing.
Perhaps if you point out exactly where you got that interpretation, I could help you understand it.

I assume he means this...

All I can think of is that they couldn't enable that IQ in the consoles so they just turned the previously demoed PC version into crap to avoid angry console gamers and publishers..

Which does sorta sound like you're blaming consoles/consoles gamers for any downgrade.
But I think Sega should sue them for all they've got, 20th Century Fox should stop them from making an Aliens game ever again, and

Probably the reason the game is in the state it is in is because Gearbox did exactly what they needed to do in order not to be sued, and had no time for anything more. Gearbox did anything to get a mostly working game out before the last deadline and to avoid Sega taking them to court. So what if it looks and plays like ass? It gets them off the hook, and that's all they cared about at this point.

Randy Pitchford should immediately step down from president and CEO of Gearbox, since he'll never be taken seriously again.

If DukeNukem didn't get Randy to fall on his sword then nothing will.

It's difficult for because Gearbox gets a lot of leeway from me for Borderlands 1 & 2, and DukeNukem was them trying to pick up the pieces of somebody else's mess in order to try and bring back a classic gaming phenomenon.

However, ACM was purely a Gearbox screwup. They let development go on too long, and farmed the game out to too many other companies without enough oversight to make sure it was all coming together. You can say Timegate screwed up, but who was overseeing it from Gearbox? Who decided to farm out to Timegate but restrict them severely on what they could and couldn't do? Who ultimately made those decisions and then took their eye off the ball? The buck stops at Randy Pitchford.
Which does sorta sound like you're blaming consoles/consoles gamers for any downgrade.

I'm not blaming consoles at all in that statement..
If anything, I'm blaming publishers and/or developers as a possibility for lobbying consoles over PCs. Which they do, this isn't a surprise to anyone, is it?

Probably the reason the game is in the state it is in is because Gearbox did exactly what they needed to do in order not to be sued, and had no time for anything more. Gearbox did anything to get a mostly working game out before the last deadline and to avoid Sega taking them to court. So what if it looks and plays like ass? It gets them off the hook, and that's all they cared about at this point.

Yes, but Sega could still sue them for diverging the A:CM funds for developing Borderlands (if they find any proof of it), which seems to be the most serious accusation I've seen so far.
Have any of you actually played the game? I'd like to suggest that it's unwise to run with intarweb sentiment. I've played worse games. The main problem is it should be a budget title, but it has the license.

I wish it was less "L4D" gameplay oriented but that's obviously what the plan was for this game. It's not about single player or solo exploration. It's a high-action squad shooter and totally linear. The combat is what I expect from close quarters run-n-gun. Combat feels better than the renowned AVP1 and 2 games. I think the goal was to make a L4D game that plays like Aliens movie action.

The visuals are certainly not super. I haven't been outside yet but the ship corridors remind me of Quake 4. What's strange is even 4X SSAA doesn't hit all of the aliasing (maybe a quirk to UE3).
I've been playing this on my TV-as-monitor setup and have been dealing with some seriously washed out black in the image. It seems the game isn't setting gamma right.

1)go to Documents\My Games\Aliens Colonial Marines\PecanGame\Config
2)edit PecanEngine.ini
3)change DisplayGamma=2.2 to a lower number. I went 1.8 for my TV.
After some weeks of off-the-record staff interviews, Kotaku publisher a new story about Colonial Marines' development:

To summarize:

1 - Gearbox didn't do shit for the game's development between 2006 and 2010, so it's practically a 2.5-year old development.

2 - Too many people shooting opinions about the game's development caused significant delays (Sega who wanted an Aliens-themed Call of Duty, Gearbox and Timegate who wanted to do an Aliens game). The same happened with Gearbox and Timegate having different story-writers, apparently with no coop play between them (pun intended).

3 - Gearbox consistently told Timegate not to worry about performance, that it was all about looks. When the time came to port to consoles, the game wasn't portable (mainly to PS3).

4 - Because of point 3, what we have today is something that Gearbox severely stripped down from the original 2011 and 2012 demos, which were playing real time on high-end PCs. Everything from shaders to textures and models were severely cut-down in order to fit the PS3.

5 - The game came out in such a mess because Gearbox feared a lawsuit from Sega.

What I don't understand is why they had to castrate the PC version so much because of the consoles. They could've launched a decent PC game along with sub-par console versions.
Maybe Gearbox was counting on having the PS4/Durango out in early 2013, hence the "no worries about performance, just make it pretty" thing and all the last-minute castrations. But why make everything look like excrement, across all platforms?

On related news, there are people in the web claiming that Gearbox and Sega are going to post an apology this week, along with a large patch for PC gamers. Fingers crossed.
On related news, there are people in the web claiming that Gearbox and Sega are going to post an apology this week, along with a large patch for PC gamers. Fingers crossed.

There was a "huge incoming patch" rumour that turned out to be a hoax, and I think this is the same. People are just getting their hopes up, but neither Gearbox or Sega is going to spend money re-engineering the game or assets for a title that has now failed and has tarnished the brand.

That link actually says:
An apology will also be in this statement as well as details on a potential software patch

It doesn't say there will be a patch, or that a patch is coming. Sega/Gearbox could just as likely confirm that there will be no patch, or nothing significant beyond some bugfixes.
I'd say the visuals are on a level like those of the Bioshock(s), R6 Vegas or UT3. It definitely has that PS360 UE3-engine port look and feel. Not that that's anything new for recent games though.