nutball said:Man, what is it with this alien stuff?
Why, when presented with two explanations, one of which involves nothing more than known stuff happening to known stuff, and another involving unknown physics and aliens, do people latch on the the second as being "quite clearly the only simple and logical explanation of the phenomenomenon. That thing involving exploding rocks is just waaayyy too far fetched! After all there's lots of evidence for aliens visiting Earth and no evidence for it ever being hit by an asteroid" :?
I don't get it. Is the world's population truly that f***in' stupid?
unfortunately...yes. I work at Herrell's Ice Cream in Harvard Square (speaking of which, if you are in the area, come down, ask for Alex, and if I'm there get some free ice cream ) and some of the customers I encounter are incredibly, no, unimaginably stupid.
"Hi, could you explain to me the difference between Malted Vanilla, and regular Vanilla?"
"Well Ma'am, the Malted Vanilla flavour has malt in it."
or how about this one:
"Hi, I would like that size." (points to largest cup, out of the three cups lined up next to each other, it is the largest) (...thinks for a second) "That's a medium right?"
So anyways, don't underestimate people's tenacity for stupidity.
As far as aliens go, Drake's famous equation is our best reasonable estimate for the number of alien civilization in existence (in our relative timeframe) that could communicate with us. Using reasonable variables, it comes out to a couple dozen in our galaxy. From any given point in our galaxy, distance is an unsurmountable obstacle for travel. Considering the radial velocity of the arms of our spiral galaxy (more details can be found here : the probability of intelligent alien life coming to our planet is small. On the other hand, asteriods with the explosive power of 20 megatons or more hit the earth every couple hundred years.
Why would alien life come to earth unanounced?
P.S: check this link out for a laugh (read the last sentence)