Ok here is my 2 cents on this topic. First Ill note that Im pro-life, and am not for cloning, splicing, gene manipulation/therapy of any kind.
Now Im going to play devils advocate (I hope I do a good job
-If abortions are legal why cant cloning also be legal? Whats growing obviously isnt alive, right? So how can it be illegal, whats growing in the tube/women currently have very little to no rights so we can do what ever we want to it.
-Xerox effect is bs. How about I take about a 1 billion samples of Michael Jordans DNA. I could just make a copy with the original sample instead of a copy of a copy of MJ.

There you go no need to worry about Xerox effect. I always wondered why Star Trek:TNG, Stargate:SG1, ... and others just didnt make this point whenever they dealt with cloning. Also we could just copy the blue print and make copies based on that.
-Since fetuses have absolutly no rights (or very little). How about this fantastic scenario. I and my wife create (the old fashioned way

) a fetus which is growing in her. Then we decide that we want a super duper ultra cool and ultra beautiful and smart and athelic baby. We go to the nearest genetic clinic. Have the fetus aborted and samples of that dna taken. Then we have some super computer splice/manipulate the genes of the aborted fetus(you could even take the original fetus and apply changes and put it back in her) until we are guaranted a kick ass baby, then we put it back in here to grow. Wow isnt that a great scenario? A world full of beautiful smart atheletic people.
-How about taking the above scenario and removing the gay gene section if its found, or take out the fat gene section, or the short gene section, ....
-If a fetus isnt alive because its depended (inside the women) on the women (or whatever silly reason its not alive) how about we take that one step further. I grow a fetus(a clone of my self) in a test tube. Add a fast growing solution, so that the fetus grows very fast. We at some point remove the brain area. Have the fetus grow to what a normal 18/19 year old would grow to. Then I transplant my brain into the fetus(which isnt alive and has no rights, right?). And voila instant youth. Hope we can solve any brain diseases/problems by then.
I draw a direct correlation between cloning(splicing,manipulation,...) and abortions. Why because living things have rights so if you say a fetus has no right, then why dont you see that a clone also doesnt have any right until after being born. And after birth your stuck with what you got, same a a regular birth the old fashion way. Make up your mind, is it alive or not.
[edit] grammar fix.