A load of new patents..

nAo, I have to wonder how you stay so on top of all this stuff - but thanks for doing it! :)
It's really simple..I just spend 15 minutes a week checking some names or some keywords, that's all folks :D
nAo said:
It's really simple..I just spend 15 minutes a week checking some names or some keywords, that's all folks :D

Yeah whatever nAo! We know it takes you hours and hours each week. Why do you have to be posting like that, making everyone else feel lazy. ;)
Is there anything interesting in these then? Anyone who's read them care for a 'Reader's Digest' version? :D
A stream of IBM patent apps by Maximino Aguilar JR about the Cell OS, such as "System and method for asymmetric heterogeneous multi-threaded operating system".