Ailuros said:
I repeat. I could send you a 3dfx Rampage powerpoint which
even specifically mentions 16x FSAA. Want it? PM your e-mail address and I'll send it this evening.
No, frustrated. It tends to happen. And it's why I don't normally like to argue, even when I know I'm right.
I'm also cursed by being able to see both sides of almost any argument, which never helps. I can see your side very clearly, and I
do understand your reluctance to trust the somewhat... excessive performance claims.
Thanks for at least that verification that had gone unanswered so far no matter how often I asked. It was too obvious from where (it's called nowadays) "performance" anisotropic on NV30 could originate from.
Uh... I said it looks [/i]smoother[/i] on average, i.e. it's a little better looking on average than NV30's Performance AF, i.e. it is a
different implementation. Hell, I can prove that. NV30's P-AF works without AA, right? And gets real good performance without AA? Rampage's performance AF doesn't even
work without some form of AA going on, and the degree is limited by the number of AA samples (you can't get 16x AF from 2 AA samples, but it does work with 4, and works even better with 8).
Cheat AF, fillrate-free AA with piles of bandwidth, and 30-50% efficient HSR. WHY is it so impossible to attain 180fps?
See R300
three whole years later. See CPU's/memory/platforms of 2000 and today etc etc.
Tell me that someone found two rampage cores in the garbage can and build a board out of it and I'll have another kneeslapper. I've seen worse claimed so far from the infamous 3dhq gang; nothing surprises me anymore.
It was one of "today"'s CPU's that the Rampage in question was tested on. With AA and AF off, what does Radeon 9700 Pro score in Q3A 1280x1024x32, on a 3.06GHz P4?
At a cost of a predicted 500$ pricetag for dual chip. As for the murder it happens more than often in vaporware wet dreams of some out there.
It's only logical. Rampage is supposed to compete with NV20. 3dfx got ridiculed big-time for needing the giant Voodoo5 5500 with two cores to even begin to compare to GeForce2 GTS's one chip, and the 6k size jokes would've easily matched the FlowFX mania had the card actually been released. There were already a few of them, though. Hell, the 6k needs external power!
3dfx wouldn't be stupid enough to repeat that debacle; they knew they had to compete chip vs. chip... which would mean, logically, that a two-chip solution would be
really frickin' fast by comparison. Correct?
I'm puzzled wether I am actually having an argument with a female here or a truck-driver.
Blame it on a bad week, coming out of
bad PMS, coupled with my tendency to get frustrated while arguing over anything at all (I could be arguing about peanut butter and I'd start shouting at some point

I'm sure you counted them one by one haven't you?
I don't think I want to comment further on that one.
By the way, you have a PM. It's sort of an 'ace up the sleeve'... I'd rather you didnt' tell anyone what's in it.
You seem to be the only one resisting so adamantly. Where's Vince? Even HE isn't beating me with his Anti-3dfx™ Stick.
I don't think that could even stand as an argument here. I don't see where 3rd parties are relevant.
Mood was bad when I wrote that, apologies, point conceded.
Sure, plenty of engineers went to nVidia. But not all the engineers were working on Rampage. A good number of the core Rampage staff... did not go to nVidia.
Which were how many? I asked a perfectly logical question and expect a reasonable answer for it. When you "guestimate" 10%, then I suppose that you have roughly an idea how many engineers they had in total and how many assigned to Rampage.
The guesstimation was based on knowing that the Rampage team wasn't very big to begin with, and knowing roughly how many engineers went to the
mystery company... (eerie music plays) I don't actually have any concrete numbers, other than about how many went to our beloved MC. And I know a chunk of them went to ATi and Matrox. The guesstimate was just that, a
Althornin said:
Because its patently obvious to most of us that you are totally irration WRT this 3dfx thing, and as such, its almost not worth our time to "discuss" it with you.
trying to rationalise things, get explanations in, and discuss exactly how it's possible that a dual Rampage could pull off such a seemingly ridiculous frame rate...
Why do YOU find it so impossible to believe that 3dfx tech wasnt "all that and a bag of chips"?
I cannot believe some of the moronic stuff you 3dfx fanpeople post. If the tech was that good, it would have been used.
I also like you constant insistence that 3dfx tech IS good enough to be used, and the accompaning "proof" that it is used in the 3D part of the nv25...
If the only good part was 2D, why do you keep harping on the 3d performance?
Why must you people paint 3dfx in such a holy glowing light?
3dfx's Rampage, as a whole, was
very fast. I'm only praising a few bits of tech to all hell, because some of them
were way ahead of their time, and others (like their performance AF) really were ingenious. The individual technology in Rampage, and most of its parts, were obsolescent by the time everything went to nVidia anyway. If nVidia had released Rampage, they would have A. scaled back features from their NV20, something they know would have been hypocritical, and B. admitted they were inferiour to their longtime bitter rival.
The main part of what I'm discussing, really, is how Rampage could've been so damned fast. But it's already been brought up that Rampage/SAGE didn't quite support enough to be PS1.1/VS1.1 compatible... it's a bit backward, ne? On top of every other good reason not to use Rampage, why would nVidia want to release a PS1.0/VS1.0-only vidcard after already having released GeForce3 which supports, IIRC, up to PS1.3.
Geeforcer said:
On the contrary, it never seizes to amaze me how some people are willing to believe almost anything, no matter how improbable, without a shred of hard evidence. Let's save the blind faith for Sunday mass, shell we?
We can't
give any hard evidence. Technically the boards aren't even supposed to exist. If there was proof they exist, jobs
will be lost. Unfortunate, isn't it? But the information that
has been released, has been cleared already with the ah...
owners of the said boards.
jvd said:
at the end of the day in 2000 or 2001 when it was set to be released it would have been one of the top of the line cards if not the top of the line card. But compared to the new cards i believe it would loose. Tech doesn't stand still . But then again there are some things that the rampage may still have done better . Nothings perfect .
Indeed. It would still -
in speed only - compare today, in a select few situations. Other than that, though, it wouldn't be too desirable at this point, due to lack of advanced features. THIS is why 3dfx tech isn't used. It was great at the time, and resulted in a core that was
incredibly fast, and offered great IQ for its time.
Crusher said:
3dfx failed products:
Voodoo Rush
Voodoo Banshee
Voodoo 3 3500
Voodoo 5 6000
I wouldn't exactly say the 3500TV
failed... and the 6k was perfected just fine. Quantum3D has all of the 6k's produced, and they work just fine in the low-end AAlchemy systems they're sold in.

3dfx just didn't have the money to afford to put out such a low-margin product anymore.
If Rampage had actually been released, I somehow get the feeling that it's launch would be virtually identical to the Parhelia's. Fancy new AA that doesn't work quite right all the time, a few features that everyone else is going to have in a few months anyway, but lacking the ability to use them adequately, and maybe a couple of other specialized features that only about 0.05% of the market would ever care about.
Why would Rampage's AA not work quite right all the time? It's nearly the same implementation as VSA-100's T-buffer, except it could use multisampling as well as supersampling. Last I checked, VSA-100 can use FSAA, playable or not, in every game out there except Diablo II (well, maybe in D3D, but not in GLide).
The primary features, like the texture computer, would be surpassed soon after (NV20 and PS1.1+) in most ways, but of course, it's like NV30 - doesn't support PS3.0, but it does support a lot in it, and a lot of things not in it.
Other than that, some of the other features, like its performance AF, were for speed, and application-ignorant.
The main thing about Rampage that IS impressive, is pretty much just the speed 3dfx were able to achieve with it.
Ailuros said:
The featureset of Spectre had quite a few rudiments and would have had the same market acceptance most of the NV20 features had during the past too. All IHV's "experiment" in relative terms with new features, some succeed after quite some time (often presupposition being that other IHV's adopt a similar technique too), some just don't make it. There it isn't much different either at ATI/NV or any other IHV.
Yep. Since no video cards were ever released that didn't support PS1.1 or better, no games have ever or will ever use PS1.0 only. However, IF Rampage had been released, I'd put money down that there would be PS1.0 fallbacks in 3DMark03, and that 3DMark2001 would've used PS1.0... and other apps using PS would surely have some kind of 1.0 fallback. And I'm sure there would be a few niche apps with Rampage "PS1.0 Extended" support.