2024 may not be kind for game developers.

I'll ignore the personal attacks and just state again that it's ok that Tango got closed as long as MS felt they weren't useful to their business goals after examining data we don't have. I know most people around here aren't ok with that, but I'll sleep fine tonight. 😴
I'll ignore the personal attacks and just state again that it's ok that Tango got closed as long as MS felt they weren't useful to their business goals after examining data we don't have. I know most people around here aren't ok with that, but I'll sleep fine tonight. 😴

It would have been nicer to all employees if MS would have tried to find a buyer of the studio, but that might have been difficult or even impossible.
I'll ignore the personal attacks and just state again that it's ok that Tango got closed as long as MS felt they weren't useful to their business goals after examining data we don't have.😴
We know what their business goals are because they told us - to knuckle down on Bethesda's big IPs and eschew smaller titles. What we don't understand is how that fits in with what they say is good for GP. What exactly is their plan here? Move away from "boohoo the studio closed" and onto "what the heck are MS doing?" Are MS pulling off a smart business move, or jumping from one strategy to another kinda clueless?
We know what their business goals are because they told us - to knuckle down on Bethesda's big IPs and eschew smaller titles. What we don't understand is how that fits in with what they say is good for GP. What exactly is their plan here? Move away from "boohoo the studio closed" and onto "what the heck are MS doing?" Are MS pulling off a smart business move, or jumping from one strategy to another kinda clueless?

It is a smart business move; true fans will downplay it anyway, aligned press will forget about in a few weeks and this really saves Microsoft a ton of money in the future, which they will directly invest back into gamepass and the development of future titles so that the value proposition becomes even more amazing and awesome than it already is.

Gamepass really is the best value in gaming
I'll ignore the personal attacks and just state again that it's ok that Tango got closed as long as MS felt they weren't useful to their business goals after examining data we don't have. I know most people around here aren't ok with that, but I'll sleep fine tonight. 😴
By this reasoning, you can essentially argue that Xbox CAN NEVER DO WRONG. That anything they do there must be a great reason for it, therefore we cant ever criticize them for anything. You're not really explaining why closing Tango must be a good thing, you're just taking it on faith that it is simply because it happened.
It is a smart business move; true fans will downplay it anyway, aligned press will forget about in a few weeks and this really saves Microsoft a ton of money in the future, which they will directly invest back into gamepass and the development of future titles so that the value proposition becomes even more amazing and awesome than it already is.

Gamepass really is the best value in gaming
Lack of investment has not been the cause of any of their problems, though. :/
this really saves Microsoft a ton of money in the future
But studios make a profit. Getting rid of studios means losing money, unless they were bad studios.
, which they will directly invest back into gamepass
What investment? The primary investment needed for GP is content. Getting rid of studios potentially diminishes that, unless MS go 2nd party.
and the development of future titles
Again, that's a studio problem. MS acquired lots of studios to add content to GP. They've stated as much. So removing studios that you bought for the purpose of creating content surely reduces development of future titles?
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But studios make a profit. Getting rid of studios means losing money, unless they were bad studios.

What investment? The primary investment needed for GP is content. Getting rid of studios potentially diminishes that, unless MS go 2nd party.

Again, that's a studio problem. MS acquired lots of studios to add content to GP. They've stated as much. So removing studios that you bought for the purpose of creating content surely reduces development of future titles?
Not all studios are bought for creating content; some are bought for the available titles which they already had in production or produced.
By this reasoning, you can essentially argue that Xbox CAN NEVER DO WRONG. That anything they do there must be a great reason for it, therefore we cant ever criticize them for anything. You're not really explaining why closing Tango must be a good thing, you're just taking it on faith that it is simply because it happened.
I'm not arguing that. I didn't say there MUST be a great reason for it. I'm just not part of the mob bandwagon that thinks all company closures are due to "evil greedy corps". Sometimes there are good reasons for company closures. The outrage culture from people who don't know anything about what's really going on is getting tired. Btw, I didn't go nuts over Sony Helldiver 2 fiasco or Bungie layoffs either. It's all childish temper tantrums as far as I'm concerned.

Also, I'm fine that people are critical of these closures by MS. But you should be fine that I'm not as critical and have more of a wait and see attitude. That's how civil discussions happen.
I'm not arguing that. I didn't say there MUST be a great reason for it. I'm just not part of the mob bandwagon that thinks all company closures are due to "evil greedy corps".
That's not what a lot of this is. some people are all pitchforks and rage, but a lot is also just people talking about a current event, a perplexing business decision, and trying to make sense of it. People are looking for answers to understand. I'm sure the truth will out eventually, but that might 20 years from now in a book on Xbox Gaming over the years. Until then you've got gamers and journalists and business analysts all wanting to understand and talking about it (as well as a contingent who just like dumping on a particular corporation).
Also, I'm fine that people are critical of these closures by MS. But you should be fine that I'm not as critical and have more of a wait and see attitude. That's how civil discussions happen.
Yep. Not everyone needs be invested in every current event. No-one should be badgered into having an opinion.

Incoming layoffs at SE.
Earlier today, Square Enix published a new medium-term business plan, which revealed its intention to make its AAA games multiplatform going forward.
Sounds familiar.
Square Enix’s latest financial results indicated that profits were down nearly 70% from the previous year, partly due to “the recognition of ¥22,087 million ($141 million) in losses on disposal of content as an extraordinary loss”.
that is a massive loss on a huge property.

While not explicitly mentioned in the plan, recent Final Fantasy games including Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthall launched as PS5 exclusives, and it’s been claimed that sales of the latter titles have been underwhelming.
they made great games. But no one is buying them.
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they made great games. But no one is buying them.
I just checked Steam and couldn't find their newest AAA releases.

Seriously though, FFVII Episode 2 would probably sell even worse on PC given how long it took for Episode 1 to even come to PC and then was on Epic for the longest time where absolutely nobody cared about it and it's barely been on any kind of reasonable discount since even after coming to Steam.

For XVI, I would say I'm glad they got punished for taking the giant exclusivity check from Sony, but I cant celebrate when the overall company just makes up for it by firing a bunch of people for their own dumb decision making.

God the gaming industry is just handling things terribly right now.
I just checked Steam and couldn't find their newest AAA releases.

Seriously though, FFVII Episode 2 would probably sell even worse on PC given how long it took for Episode 1 to even come to PC and then was on Epic for the longest time where absolutely nobody cared about it and it's barely been on any kind of reasonable discount since even after coming to Steam.

For XVI, I would say I'm glad they got punished for taking the giant exclusivity check from Sony, but I cant celebrate when the overall company just makes up for it by firing a bunch of people for their own dumb decision making.

God the gaming industry is just handling things terribly right now.
Yea. It wasn’t on game pass nor was it released with PC. And often that gets cited why games flop. Well, explain this then. Biggest franchise exclusive on the biggest console platform.

I’m not trying to point fun at it, but really point out why these companies are pushing for multiplatform releases more and more. If the platform you are exclusive to isn’t buying it, then you need to look elsewhere for more purchases.

Once again, I don’t think any one particular strategy is doing a good job dealing with forever games. This current world we live in, it’s very difficult to survive in because everything is trying to monopolize your time and that’s where your money will go.
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TLDR; exclusivity today is only about rewarding the consumer on investing into the platform. It’s a reward of being part of the haves and not the have nots.

In reality it doesn’t mean they’ll purchase the game, they’ll only parade their membership into the option of purchasing it.

Both the developers and platform owners actually get less money from exclusivity.
SE stating that going forward they will never do exclusivity again is a big sign IMO that the traditional model doesn’t anymore.
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Yea. It wasn’t on game pass nor was it released with PC. And often that gets cited why games flop. Well, explain this then. Biggest franchise exclusive on the biggest console platform.

I’m not trying to point fun at it, but really point out why these companies are pushing for multiplatform releases more and more. If the platform you are exclusive to isn’t buying it, then you need to look elsewhere for more purchases.

Once again, I don’t think any one particular strategy is doing a good job dealing with forever games. This current world we live in, it’s very difficult to survive in because everything is trying to monopolize your time and that’s where your money will go.
I think a big thing is the first game just wasn't that amazing, and you NEED to play it before buying and playing the second. That already limits your audience. And so as good as Rebirth might have been, they had an inherently smaller audience for it.

All while having limited themselves to a single platform for all this. Square knew perfectly well this would have a sales cost, which is why they took a large check from Sony thinking it would make up for things. It obviously didn't. It probably worked out badly for both parties.
In reality it doesn’t mean they’ll purchase the game, they’ll only parade their membership into the option of purchasing it.
It means a much, much larger chance of purchasing that exclusive, though. People who buy a console will be much more likely to be interested in or even talk themselves into being interested in an exclusive.

And yes, even if they dont actually buy it, they'll also be more likely to proselytize the merits of a given game anyways, cuz there's this buyer-emotional attachment that makes people inherently more defensive and willing to praise and defend games from the platform they own.
Continuing on from the 2023 version... Hoping that 2024 ends up better than 2023, thus the may not be kind verbiage. :)

Looks like Pirahna Bytes (Gothic, Risen, Elex) might be shut down by Embracer. :(

And the original source for that article.

Rumors that Embracer is going to be laying off more people and might be shutting down other studios as it looks like their rash of studio acquisitions is coming back to bite them in the arse with the post Covid downturn in consumer spending.

Looks like MS was the real villain here