Except that Nintendo has probably lost money on Gamecube. GBA saved them.
What planet do you live on?

Look at this:
Strong sales of the GameCube video game console have helped Nintendo report a doubling in quarterly profits. The Japanese company, best known for game characters such as Super Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong, said that net profits had risen to 22.6 billion yen (£111 million) for the April to June period from 11.5 billon yen a year before.
Sales of software for the handheld GameBoy Advance games machines also remained firm despite the prospect of the launch of a rival product, the PlayStation Portable, by Sony.
At an operating level, profits surged to 17.47 billion yen for the quarter, up from 7.25 billion yen a year before and ahead of analysts' forecasts of a 12.2 billion yen figure. The results contrasted with a loss at Sony's game division, hurt by PlayStation price cuts.
Hiroshi Kamide, the KBC Securities analyst, said: "At the moment, there are no serious concerns for Nintendo’s business."
In an interview with French newspaper Les Echos, Nintendo communications director Yasuhiro Minagawa has struck out at critics. In response to questions about GameCube Sales figures. "Our consoles have never lost money," he pointed out, "unlike the Dreamcast and Genesis which never recorded a profit. People regularly predict our failure in this business, but we're still here meanwhile Bandai, Matsush*ta, NEC, and Sega have all gone."
Here are also some questions for you to ponder:
(1) How much money does Nintendo lose with every Gamecube sold?
(2) How much money does Nintendo make from the sale of a memory card?
(3) How much money does Nintendo make from the sale of one of their own games?
(4) How much money does Nintendo make from the sale of one third party game?
The Gamecube cannot play CDs or DVDs and it doesn't have a built in hard drive, so there is almost a guarantee that when someone purchases a Gamecube for the first time, they will buy
at least one memory card and one game.