1GB flash mp3 players

digitalwanderer said:
Thanks, I'll have to pick up a pair of those as they look like they'll help keep me earbuds from falling out! :)

Keep in mind I've ony tried them on standard earbuds the kind that fit outside the ear canals like pictured below. They probably will not work with the canal types that already have their own rubber fittings so if you get the SONY canalphones you don't need these adaptors.

PC-Engine said:
If you have money to burn these are very nice looking and sounding too. Audio-Technica ATH-EC7.


Nah, not available here. I just ordered Sony, since I was always happy with them.
The ear gels ain't really so hot, they're more comfortable than naked earbuds but still kind of akward and fall out if you get crazy, the Sony MDR-EX51LP/WHI Fontopia Headphones are AMAZING!!!! Clear, booming bass, and I can bounce around and shake me head as much as I want and they just won't fall out. :)

Also, I can't hear me steam cleaner over them when I clean...so the volume my mp3 player provides is more than enough since it doesn't have to cover up the background noise.

A freak snowstorm has kept me from trying 'em with the lawnmower yet, but I expect they'll be most excellent.

Thanks for the suggestions all with extry hugs to Russ since I'm in love with these Sony headphones. 8)
representation3 said:
Never get Clip-on if you were glasses. They hurt like hell.

I don't agree. I weatr glasses and clip-ons and it's no problem. Maybe you just got crappy phones?
I've been using Shure E2Cs with my iPod for the past month or so. Most excellent, I might add. $60 from buy.com, and they list for $100.

THEY WILL HURT YOUR EARS AT FIRST. Give them a few days, try all the different plug sizes; you should find one that works well. For me, the normal medium fit is perfect, but your mileage will vary.
_xxx_ said:
vb said:
london-boy said:
Could you, or anyone else, give me the model number for those? Really need a nice new set of ear buds and those sound really nice.

In-ear buds aren't quite for everyone. You should try them first. Personally, I can't stand them in my ears.

Me neither. If you turn up the volume, it's deadly for your ears, so you always have to keep it moderate. You can hear it clearly, since it isolates the ears from the outside world fairly good, but I like my music loud.
Not really, actually. Because they block out a lot of the external noise, you don't have to have to have as high sound pressure for the same percieved "loudness".

This actually makes them better for your ears if you like loud music.

Especially if you like deep bass, because conventional buds need a loud volume for you to hear anything at all (relatively speaking, of course).