100 hamsters gassed

/me reads all of the above replies to the first post in this thread and wonders WHAT THE @$*!!!!$% IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?? :oops: ;)
RussSchultz said:
It'd be an awfully small coat if you made it from 100 hamster dongs.

And they claimed the mammals were mistreated before being cut open - sometimes being left alive and conscious when skinned for their pelts

Personally I'd just keep it simple and skin the people who are happy to do this type of thing to animals.
Neeyik said:
/me reads all of the above replies to the first post in this thread and wonders WHAT THE @$*!!!!$% IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?? :oops: ;)

yes, if my hamster read this thread he's get a heart attack :oops:
THe_KELRaTH said:
And they claimed the mammals were mistreated before being cut open - sometimes being left alive and conscious when skinned for their pelts

Personally I'd just keep it simple and skin the people who are happy to do this type of thing to animals.

How could they do something like that to cute little hamster wamsters? :(
K.I.L.E.R said:
THe_KELRaTH said:
And they claimed the mammals were mistreated before being cut open - sometimes being left alive and conscious when skinned for their pelts

Personally I'd just keep it simple and skin the people who are happy to do this type of thing to animals.

How could they do something like that to cute little hamster wamsters? :(

They are rodents.

Besides a hamster fur coat would look pimpin' with my rat-skin leather pants.

The article just referred to other farms ... not any particular one related to the fur used in this coat.

L233, get the dick out of your head ;)
A House of Bruar spokesman apologised for any offence caused and hinted it might withdraw the product.

A spokesman said: "As a company, we pride ourselves on our relationship with our customers and are therefore concerned that we may have offended some people

I think the change of heart may have something to do with being entered into the disc throwing competition - as the disc :LOL:
THe_KELRaTH said:
And they claimed the mammals were mistreated before being cut open - sometimes being left alive and conscious when skinned for their pelts

Personally I'd just keep it simple and skin the people who are happy to do this type of thing to animals.
Completely off topic, but since my mind insists upon transliterating your name into "The Kilrathi" this statement caught me off guard. :)