radeonic2 said:
That doesn't matter if you dont list your PC specs.
well, my PC is a dual 1.26 Tualatin box, Iwill motherboard (piece of crap, IMO), 2GB PC3200 (dont remember what brand, its been so long), 250GB WD JB, 120GB same. Why so slow? Well, I built it a very long time ago for rendering. Nothing that came along I really felt was worth the upgrade. I built and used for a while an A64 for my father, a dual Opteron for a friend, and a few other computers. I was waiting for WindowsXP 64 and the next-gen Intel architecture- screw NetBurst.
If it isn't an SLR I don't give a shit what benz it is.
you're right, all other Benz's are cheap, low-end ones.
I could buy an ibook also if I so desired, but I don't.
How arrogant of you to assume though, not surprising givin you are a mac lover and are into luxury cars.
well you're the one making a big stink about how horrible it would be for someone to spend $1000.
FYI my brother is in the IT industry if you care, works in viejas, and before that worked at kyrocera USA as the head admin.
I'm fairly certain in lack of experience I have is more than made up for with his experience (he's 28 I believe and been workin there for ages).
He has a rather positive few of the dells
yup, in a corporate environment going with all-dells is a good deal. when one dies you plop another one in it's place and the user won't know the difference. You can get a bazillion of them with the exact same hardware config and make one single image for the entire company, test it on one and know that it will work exactly the same on all of the other computers. Home users, however, do not have the support from a corporation. I wouldn't use macs in a corporate setting because, with a good support service in place, dells work great and are cheaper. For a home user who cannot afford to call geek squad or whatever every time something goes wrong, or who is not PC-litterate enough to not bugger things up, a Mac is a much better choice.
I was just adding that MS can't be hold responsible for no name hardware with shitty drivers, or hardware
of course it's not their fault. but, it still effects the end-users experience.
Yes.. I have so much faith in windows I run a corporate virus scanner and refuse to use IE.
Just be realistic!
Windows 9x is a big fat turd, but NT is quite nice, and XP with SP2 is good enough to where I've never had anything other than data miners in my cache.
And people in my family do indeed have computers.
The computer at my mom's place of work used to be quite bad with getting spyware untill I updated it withe sp2 and made em use firefox, now when I go other for some reason there's nothing found but cookies.
I'm not denying that sp2 is a great leap. But, there are still lots of problems out there. If there weren't how could I have made, on a good day, 5 figures from tech support services (however, I ended up getting screwed out of my cut so none of that went into my pockets... bastards)
I'm fairly certain a VW phaeton would be a much more enjoyable ride than your MB

Probably. Of course, I love how small my car is and would really miss the fun of it if I had a big boat. I'd still love to have a phaeton, though. But, i would even more like to have a Maybach 57 or Phantom.
It's a measurement of bang for your buck, but since apparently you're so rich you dont care about that
bang-for-buck? what exactly constitutes "bang"? A computer is a tool for most people. A tool needs to reliably get the job done in a manner that is most convenient to the user. And, if you want to start adding up tech support services, PC's can very quickly run the average user who doesn't know what he/she is doing a LOT more than a mac.
What is isn't, however, is a measure of how stable it is, unless you let it run loops of hardware intensive apps like.. say prime95.
That tool is excellent, it's so good that alot of time you can get away with overclocks that aren't P95 stable.
You're right, prime95 is an excellent tool to test for stability *of certain things*. You have to take into consideration all of the apps and various hardware that inevitably end up being installed on PC's. Usually, there is going to be more than a few things that disagree with each other.
And did you forget what forum you're posting on?
Beyond3d.. where most of us are into video cards and the like, and benchmarking along with IQ and driver stabily determines value.
well then let's be clear about things. Since the beginning, I have been talking about basic computer use- just the normal things that most people do with computers. If you need to have the latest vieo card then you already know that you need a PC and my suggestion wasnt for you.
You said no one's forced to use macs, well no one's forced to run pcs to that point.
They're just better advertised and will always be queer in the eyes of most people.
The move to intel is good and I'm sure some warez group will release the PC version of OSX cracked and we all can see for our selves how it runs compared to windows

And if the 16 year old was my son and I raised him ok, I would without a second thought because I would know that he wouldn't be some dumbass and crash it without good reason to do so.
well, you were stating that it was "fucking insane" to tell someone too ignorant to use a PC that they should buy a mac instead. I think that's a pretty good suggestion. And, I'm glad you have so much faith in your offspring, but I hope you also remember what it was like to be a 16 year old kid with a shiny new car... now, imagine if that car was 10x faster. I'm pretty sure no 16 year old boy would be able to resist the temptation... that's why insurance companies have been known to flat out refuse to insure kids with some insanely fast cars. If someone is incapable of handling something then they shouldn't have it.
Oh, and iOSX has already been leaked. It was on BitTorrent quite some time ago. But, I don't think it was cracked yet. I have the CD's on my PC.