Favorite youtube video

Kim Jong Il: The great Fashion Designer

Kim Jong Il: Master Of Creation

Kim Jong Il: The Great Diplomat

Kim Jong Il: The People's Inspiration

Kim Jong Il = one talented fucker ;)
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He also did 'The Darkness' demo (which I haven't played, but still find funny) [...]

[...] before announcing that he'd start doing them for The Escapist.

I don't know of a dailymotion tag to embed, but still you have to see the work of this guy, "n'importe qui" (anybody)

"Rocky VII" (3'00")

"The Stolen video" (3'16")

"Once upon a time with the policemen" (1'06")

and lots of wacky stuff here http://www.nimportequi.com/videos.php (videos are in french but that should be okay when there's no dialog ;))
I first watched them as a 4m by 3m image from a 800x600 projector with sound on a amp, actually that was nice.

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Jorge Magnifico

A couple of my friends made this for a college Spanish class, and I begged them to let me put it on youtube. In this version there is about 8 minutes of "Jorge" speaking cut out, which was originaly there to fufill the requirements. I just wish I could have been in the class when he showed this.
