
curious fact, Intel is the highest contributor of the world to the kernel of Linux. 13% of the Linux kernel code is made by Intel.
They run on Linux, they are not a part of Linux. My router has a web-based interface where you can control it.

The web based interface is likely served by something like nginx, which is also a 3rd party application not "a part of Linux."
I'm not talking about commodity home-grade routers.

I'm talking about Cisco Nexus core switching. By the way, they run a TON of services, and there's no attractive GUI running there.

So? Even if the only way to connect to the router is via ssh you know that OpesnSSH is not a part of Linux.
Why are we having this utterly pendantic conversation? It's the Linux OS. What is it you're driving towards?

Linux is not a full OS. That is the point. SteamOS is an OS. Android is an OS. Windows is an OS. If you don't call things what they are you can't really discuss them.