
mkillio said:
I'm having alot of trouble installing these programs. i.e. firebird and xine. I extracted them to the folder I wanted them in. But i can't find the install files. Also anyone know where to get an ATI driver for the 9800 that supports the latest (system x, or start x. I think that's what it's called in the terminal you would type startx to show a graphical ver. of linux) it's like ver. 4.3.2 I think. ATI's website only supports ver. 4.3.0.

This 1024x768 is killing me with my 21" monitor.

Xine should be already installed on your linux (multimedia folder in the start menu), if not you can install it via the "install software option" of your mandrake control centre. Xine doesn't change that much so it should probably a pretty new version. If not, try this site with daily built Mandrake rpms. It also includes DVD support for encrypted DVDs.
Just follow its intructions and you should be fine.

The graphical environment is called X server. So your X server is 4.3.2 and the ATI driver only supports 4.3.0? Are there some issues? Have you already checked that the resolution isn't limited by the configuration of the monitor?
If it's not the monitor, there're some things you could do but they 're rather lengthy and complicated so check that first.

Now to; apparently no Mandrake rpm is avaiable which leaves you with ./configure; make; make install Here's a FAQ about this and then here's the detailled stuff

EDIT: for clarification
The Baron said:
Saem said:
vi ownz j00z!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!111

you know, the original version of that post said, "Please, for the love of God, don't start emacs versus vi." ;)

"Ed is the standard text editor." :LOL: (probably funny only for those who have actually had the misfortune of accidentily firing up ed at some point in their unix careers - but sooner or later, it'll happen to you too..)

ed doesn't waste space on my Timex Sinclair. Just look:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root          24 Oct 29  1929 /bin/ed
-rwxr-xr-t  4 root     1310720 Jan  1  1970 /usr/ucb/vi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  5.89824e37 Oct 22  1990 /usr/bin/emacs
Florin said:
"Ed is the standard text editor." :LOL: (probably funny only for those who have actually had the misfortune of accidentily firing up ed at some point in their unix careers - but sooner or later, it'll happen to you too..)

I have actually on one or two occasions found a need to use ed. IIRC, it was some multi-hundreds of gig flat-file database that needed a little bit of fiddling. Vi simply couldn't get the swap/mem to load the file, where ed could simply jump to the bits I needed to change without loading the whole file.

Sure, I could have written something to scan through the file sequentially and make the changes I needed, but it was a lot quicker just to do a few edits in ed.
the ATI 9800 defenitley is not supported. I go straight to the command prompt with it. And I can't install ATI's driver because it creates a "conflict error".
mkillio said:
the ATI 9800 defenitley is not supported. I go straight to the command prompt with it. And I can't install ATI's driver because it creates a "conflict error".

Did you force it? Because you have to force Mandrake Linux...

rpm -i --force blabla.rpm

Note for RedHat 8.0 users:
RedHat 8.0 installations often include a specific version of the
libGL component. (For example, provided by the rpm package
XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.2.0-72). Installing the ATI Linux driver package
causes a conflict because the ATI Linux drivers include a custom-built
libGL version providing extra pbuffer support. The ATI libGL is backward
compatible to the respective XFree86 libGL version.

Install the ATI Linux driver package and replace the existing libGL
installation as follows:

- Force RPM to use the replacement file of the ATI driver package:
rpm -i --force <ati_package_name>.rpm
NOTE: This includes overriding the rpm warning


- Remove the existing libGL installation and then install the new libGL
with the ATI driver installation.
For example:

rpm -e --nodeps XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.2.0-72
rpm -Uhv <ati_package_name>.rpm

(1) Ensure that no OpenGL program is running during installation
(2) You need the "--nodeps" option because some screen savers, qt-3,
and some parts of XFree86 might depend on the libGL presence.
Installing the new libgl from the ATI package will restore the
required libGL presence.

Perform the following steps after you have installed the driver files:
- Run fglrxconfig to configure your XFree86 installation.
- Respond to the questions of the fglrxconfig program
- Save the settings to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

That applies for Mandrake as well...
mkillio said:
the RPM program only lets me istall software off of teh installation cd's.

I am sorry but I am pretty busy at the moment, so I can only drop in once in a while...
You've to run a console (shell) and use the rpm command exactly as described above.
Heh, an interesting way to revive this thread, but I can't say it's not deserved I suppose. I found this quote from the article quite humorous:
Copenhagen-hosted DistroWatch says it has tried to appeal against the Community Standards-triggered ban. However, they say that a Facebook representative said that Linux topics would remain on the cybersecurity filter. The DistroWatch writer subsequently got their Facebook account locked…

Facebook's overzealous ban on some Linux topics in the name of Community Standards and its protection of its users from threats come with a large ladle full of irony. "Facebook runs much of its infrastructure on Linux," DistroWatch points out, "and often posts job ads looking for Linux developers."
I have to assume there's something more sinister going on here. If they're blocking conversations about Linux OS, how long until they realize all of Apple runs on a Linux distro? Hmm...
Facebook treats Linux as malware

That is just conjecture from the group that is banned.

While Tom's Hardware doesn't seem to have reached to boths sides they at least did some verification on their own -

Reports show that "multiple groups associated with Linux and Linux discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts removed." However, we tested a few other Facebook posts with mentions of Linux, and they didn't get blocked immediately.
Heh, an interesting way to revive this thread, but I can't say it's not deserved I suppose. I found this quote from the article quite humorous:

I have to assume there's something more sinister going on here. If they're blocking conversations about Linux OS, how long until they realize all of Apple runs on a Linux distro? Hmm...
That is just conjecture from the group that is banned.

While Tom's Hardware doesn't seem to have reached to boths sides they at least did some verification on their own -
it turned out to be a bug and it has been since corrected, or so a colleague told me. I don't have a facebook account tbh.
Linux is not an OS, it is "just" and OS kernel. An OS includes a user interface which Linux does not really have.

No, an OS does not have to include a user interface. They only need to have an interface, for human or machines. Not to mention that Linux has many user interfaces to choose from, such as bash and X11.
No, an OS does not have to include a user interface. They only need to have an interface, for human or machines. Not to mention that Linux has many user interfaces to choose from, such as bash and X11.
Bash and X11 are not part of Linux. Do you know what kind of interfaces Linux has?
Yeah, routers and switches and wireless access points all have operating systems, often very complex ones. The engine control unit in your car runs an operating system, a very highly specialized one but also commercially available at scale -- you don't realize it, but the blinking icons on your dash when the key is turned to ON or the button is pushed is part of the pre-boot firmware-orchestrated hardware test.

I'm unaware of an explicit requirement for a "user interface" in any traditional sense. A way for programmatic input and output probably needs to exist, if only to determine it's actually running...
It does not matter. They run on Linux. I mean, would you say a WiFi router has no OS? That'd be absurd.
They run on Linux, they are not a part of Linux. My router has a web-based interface where you can control it.

A common definition of an OS is of a system that can run different programs. A router runs a lot of different programs.
I'm not talking about commodity home-grade routers.

I'm talking about Cisco Nexus core switching. By the way, they run a TON of services, and there's no attractive GUI running there.