I'm on my second play through now. Mopping up the couple of quests I missed the first time around and checking out all the corners of the maps for secrets I missed. Didn't really notice the lack of life in the world the first time around but now it is quite noticable that the world is a just a static painting and the people in it are just automatons repeating the same actions over and over again. I've also found some areas that have a distinct resemblance to areas in the Outer Worlds, just the assets are different.
Overall it's been an enjoyable game, but it's not really anything special, the addition of a few extra gameplay features doesn't really make it stand out from the Outer Worlds which actually seeemed to have far more in it than this does. If I was to score it I'd say a 6 or 7 out 10. Maybe they can patch in some extra magic or bring some DLC to play but I don't think they can improve the core loop to make it better.