Series X Refresh and Next Generation Xbox Hardware

That said, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with XB. Can someone direct me to why we're talking PS hardware here?

A poster said that PS5 has RDNA2 compute units, while Xbox Series has RDNA1 compute units, which is pretty much the opposite of what is in fact the case.

The reason this whole "full RDNA2" bollocks about the PS5 is so maddening is that there's a really interesting relationship between console vendors and PC tech roadmaps. PS5 was supposed to be a contemporary of the 5700 XT, and originally had the same feature set (barring probably cache scrubbers - but that's a feature not directly exposed to developers). Navi 10 is probably shaped as much by PS5 as PS5 was shaped by it.

It's unclear if MS have a relationship as close as Sony do with AMD. The next Xbox(es), if they actually appear, will come after RDNA4 and that's supposed to come with a big revamp of AMD's graphics architecture. If MS have been working very closely with AMD on specific products they may reflect eachother in the way PS5 and Navi 10 did (to the benefit of both). The thing is, MS's plans are all over the place at the moment and I wonder if they are interested in as deep and long term a committment on future hardware as they would otherwise have.

MS are also in a sense burdened by DirectX as much as they are helped by it. They can't just do what's best for a console in a given period, they have to align with DX even if that hurts the console. Just look at PS5 in comparison Series consoles.

PS5 is an older design that got delayed to add RT. In its extended development there was time to implement a clock boosting feature which automagically boosted performance across the board, and there will have been time for many revisions and respins to improve yields. This means more consoles available to cusomers to take market share. As development kits and software were mature, games at launch came in delivering good results.

Xbox needed to have full DX12U support. This meant waiting for the full RDNA2 featureset. MS got initial silicon much later, final silicon later, had poor yields with no time to rework and improve things before release, had to go with conservative clock speeds, launched with undercooked development tools, and had less time to polish early software. On the plus side, they did get amplification shader (which no-one seems to use) and got DP4a for their AI upscaler (which they never bothered with).

Which one of these seems better in retrospect?

So for MS's next machine, what can they do to improve competetiveness and avoid the self harm they inflicted this generation? One thing they can do is to add valuable features to the hardware even if it won't be there on PC - perhaps something like BVH accelleration hardware, or adding API features for an NPU to the Xbox devkit even if it's not there in PC DX. Something else they might consider is getting silicon earlier so they have more time to get it right, even if it means not getting the absolute latest features, especially if these will make little to no difference in the experience players have.

As I say, the problem is trying to put a number on it when that number is not objective. If they intention is to compare PS5 hardware to XBS, it should be done with objective feature comparisons as you've mentioned there.

I agree. But that can only lead you to one conclusion, and it's one that Sony and AMD marketing moved to successfully obsfuscate, generating legions of footsoldiers that occasionally pollute even here.

PS5 has version 1.0 of AMD's RT hardware btw (PC RDNA2 and Xbox are 1.1). And that was added to PS5 late on in development and so is newer IP than the rest of the chip. That shows both the age of the PS5 design, and also that Sony have a very close relationship with AMD's graphics department.
Doesnt xbox having an even newer feature set than ps5 show microsoft have a very close relationship with AMD's graphics department?
Doesnt xbox having an even newer feature set than ps5 show microsoft have a very close relationship with AMD's graphics department?
Not really, it says their schedule was set a bit more relaxed and/or later than Sonys (meaning they had shorter time between getting their chips and launch)
AMD can't really give preferential treatment to one semi-custom SoC over the other. Of course MS has some "edge" since they're behind DirectX and know AMD will do DirectX anyway, but that comes more down to schedules yout put down, had they wanted their chip ready as early as Sony it would probably be parts RDNA1 parts RDNA2 like Sony.
Sony for sure knew what AMD would be able to offer at which time point more or less (there can always be unplanned delays) and they apparently picked earlier point for their chosen IP blocks
Doesnt xbox having an even newer feature set than ps5 show microsoft have a very close relationship with AMD's graphics department?
It's a matter of timing. It's theorized that Sony wanted to steal a march over Microsoft by releasing the PS5 in 2019 or early 2020, so they started development earlier and consequently were basing their chip on an earlier version of RDNA. But then Sony decided that the PS5 should have RT support, so the chip was finalized later.
It's a matter of timing. It's theorized that Sony wanted to steal a march over Microsoft by releasing the PS5 in 2019 or early 2020, so they started development earlier and consequently were basing their chip on an earlier version of RDNA. But then Sony decided that the PS5 should have RT support, so the chip was finalized later.
Unlikely it would have been just that, they launched in the same timeframe, had Sony wanted same feature set they could have had it but with less time between getting the chips and launch, which is what MS chose. It's possible MSs choice caused them to "rush to launch" but that's another matter altogether.
I’m sure Sony could have had these features on PlayStation but tbh it was the right choice to not include them, Xbox hasn’t made much use of VRS or Dp4a anyways.
MS first parties have used VRS here and there so I think support has been beneficial, but a combination of the PS5 being the market leader and the lengthy cross generation period we've seen has likely stood in the way of its broader proliferation.

But they've really dragged their feet on making use of DP4A. It seems that they ought to have released something akin to DLSS/PSSR by now, even if only on the Series X. Even if it ran worse than PSSR or only ran on a higher clocked refresh, or even both.

It really surprises me how much MS have sat around with their finger in their arse and acted shocked that they've not conquered the market. Oh, but "Gamepass, Gamepass, Gamepass" - where have we seen such a narrow focus fail before?
MS first parties have used VRS here and there so I think support has been beneficial, but a combination of the PS5 being the market leader and the lengthy cross generation period we've seen has likely stood in the way of its broader proliferation.

But they've really dragged their feet on making use of DP4A. It seems that they ought to have released something akin to DLSS/PSSR by now, even if only on the Series X. Even if it ran worse than PSSR or only ran on a higher clocked refresh, or even both.

It really surprises me how much MS have sat around with their finger in their arse and acted shocked that they've not conquered the market. Oh, but "Gamepass, Gamepass, Gamepass" - where have we seen such a narrow focus fail before?
I think that's just technical nerds being critical. Even if MS managed somehow to make Series consoles run significantly better, it wouldn't' have changed anything. That power differential is just not enough, and having more power was never going to change the tide of things. Gamepass focus was the right call here - it enables them to have a much easier transition into cloud. They need to continue just focusing on games, games and more games. Make better games, and get them out sooner and more often.
Four to five months after Series consoles were revealed as being RDNA2, PS5 was promoted to being RDNA 2 despite lacking all the features of RDNA2, apart from the original (slightly pre RDNA2) version of RT.
Details about the architecture of PS5 and Series X were revealed 3 weeks apart. Xbox Series X was revealed in a blog post on Feb 24 while Sony did their usual road to PlayStation presentation on March 18 around GDC.
Had they chosen the same window from chip in hand to launch as MS did they could have.
They would have to redo portions of their semi Custom work. I think they would take what they could. They require customizations to ensure backward compatibility with last gen, it appears they couldn’t not wait for the remaining features to finish.

I suspect from their POV what they did was sufficient, those features don’t have any adoption and it’s not causing any problems for them without it anyway.
I think that's just technical nerds being critical. Even if MS managed somehow to make Series consoles run significantly better, it wouldn't' have changed anything. That power differential is just not enough, and having more power was never going to change the tide of things. Gamepass focus was the right call here - it enables them to have a much easier transition into cloud. They need to continue just focusing on games, games and more games. Make better games, and get them out sooner and more often.

I think the Series X suffered in the same way as the PS3: greater theoretical power is all well and good, but people care about what they actually see. The Series X has been dead even with the PS5 this entire generation, with very occasional games performing noticeably better on one than the other.

A big part of that seems to have come down to the lengthy cross generation period, so the Series X's broader GPU lending itself well to RT hasn't gotten a chance to flex its muscles vs the PS5's faster raster ninja of a GPU. A DLSS-like a year or so into the generation would've helped a good deal here IMO, and could've resulted in scenarios such as the PS5's performance mode lacking RT while the Series X's didn't.

Gamepass is important for them to focus on, I agree, but my issue is that their focus seems to have been too singular and come at the cost of real utilisation of their hardware. We buy these things because we like cool, new things - bloody do something cool with it, MS!

Things such as getting image reconstruction working on their flagship console, and then working on getting that to translate to the cloud and using the Series S as a pure reconstruction machine on the user end. Y'know, fun, cool, interesting techy stuff!

I do completely agree that their main focus now just needs to be getting a steady stream of games releasing. From A to AAA, just get some interesting art out there while Sony flounders.

Has VRS results ever been quantified? Like a game (on PC) that didn't have it and then had it patched in? Or a setting that disables it?

Not that I've seen, personally. All I've seen pertaining to it is the occasional mention here alongside some critiques of IQ.

I'd love to see a comparison though, ideally on an APU with shared memory on account of the bandwidth savings.

I do just assume though that it offered some degree of performance improvement, or it would likely have been scrapped. But I suppose sometimes you make tech choices early on and then later find yourself thinking "shit, this was pointless, wasn't it?" but by then you've committed.

Has VRS usage amongst MS first party increased or decreased as time has gone on, I wonder?
Had they chosen the same window from chip in hand to launch as MS did they could have.
The price you pay for launching early is a potential deficit in performance/features. I’m just against the narrative that Sony declined to include these features as if they were an option at the time.
Has VRS usage amongst MS first party increased or decreased as time has gone on, I wonder?
I guess the question to ask is if it even matters. After VRS TAA just makes everything blurry anyway. 😂

The effect of TAA blurring textures can be so prominent that we’ve had people think that PS5 settings are running higher textures or have better ansio, and some have thought it was VRS. When, looking back, it’s all TAA implementations.
The price you pay for launching early is a potential deficit in performance/features. I’m just against the narrative that Sony declined to include these features as if they were an option at the time.
They did decline those features seeing as they had the same timeline as Microsoft did for AMD roadmap, they chose different. They declined to wait for those features and yet they still produced a capable system that still has games that do VRS, Mesh Primitive Shading, Ray Tracing without being "Full RDNA 2". They still have games that run ML inference at runtime without DP4A support. Even the zen2 CPU is customized compared to what is present in the PC space with cut down FPU. Look at PS5 Pro, it has features beyond RDNA 3. They could have waited for "full RDNA4" but they did not, they chose their own route.
I guess the question to ask is if it even matters. After VRS TAA just makes everything blurry anyway. 😂

The effect of TAA blurring textures can be so prominent that we’ve had people think that PS5 settings are running higher textures or have better ansio, and some have thought it was VRS. When, looking back, it’s all TAA implementations.

Haha true. But another reason that MS should've been working on a DLSS-like. We've already seen plenty of evidence that Sony's lesser solution is close enough to early DLSS and eliminates TAA issues.