Switch 2 Speculation

So that tells Nintendo that they have a loyal fanbase which doesn’t care about performance and will pay whatever for what most would consider underpowered hardware.
Not loyal. Just ordinary consumers who see a product they like and will pay at the asking price. The expectation that consoles get cheaper over time is I think long dead. Mobiles get more expensive every iteration, so to a modern market used to the latest Apple being 10% more than last year, a handheld that's 'just this price' without changes is very sensible.

As I said in another thread, the whole aspect to consoles getting cheaper over time was just a quirk of Moore's Law for a few decades of silicon progress. It's anomalous and unlike most markets. Nike trainers don't release at $200 and halve in price every year down to $20. LG TVs don't launch at $2000 and drop to $200 over 6 years. With the death of Moore's Law, we're just going to get products that are available for however long they are.
Mobiles get more expensive every iteration, so to a modern market used to the latest Apple being 10% more than last year, a handheld that's 'just this price' without changes is very sensible.
Good luck to any console manufacturer if this is their justification ...

At least with mobile phones even for premium brands, you can use work/educational purposes as a grounds for rationalizing their acquisition. Bon voyage on doing the same for pure gaming systems outside of western influenced liberal democracies and especially to any parent out there ...
At least with mobile phones even for premium brands, you can use work/educational purposes as a grounds for rationalizing their acquisition.

Sure, but I'm not sure it ever gets as far for as rationalising anything for most people. They doom scroll, they take pictures of their dinner, they film themselves wiggling their arse, they have no internal monologue, and they know there's a new shiny that they must have lest they slip in social standing.
Sure, but I'm not sure it ever gets as far for as rationalising anything for most people. They doom scroll, they take pictures of their dinner, they film themselves wiggling their arse, they have no internal monologue, and they know there's a new shiny that they must have lest they slip in social standing.
Still their target demographics by and large are exclusively employed adults in western countries!
It’s amazing the Switch still sells for same price over 7 years after launch. The 1st party games from 2017 are still selling at full price and they’re considered the best Switch games.

So that tells Nintendo that they have a loyal fanbase which doesn’t care about performance and will pay whatever for what most would consider underpowered hardware.
They've exceeded 140m sold in 7 years with consistently high sales year on year, they've never conditions that needed a price drop. Then their games are always highly priced because they can. End of the day it was a good device on release with generally good first party software support over the years, if they can do a "switch but much better" with back compat, better third party support at a decent price odds are it'll do well.
The Switch isn't an expensive device in the first place, and you can regularly find them on discount from the full price. So while an official price drop would have been nice, it's not a huge deal in this case. The lack of decrease in game pricing over time is a lot more painful, in my opinion. It's also why basically any big Switch title I try and get physical so I can sell it off for most of what I paid for it if I want to. I probably wouldn't buy many Switch games otherwise. Feels bad.

Switch 2 is gonna be successful to a decent degree simply on the back of Switch 1's success, but I think it's gonna be a 3DS vs DS situation, where it ultimately sells less. The novelty is gone, the price will likely be a good chunk higher, there wont be all the excitement of games coming to Switch anymore like there was in early years of Switch as people just consider it normal now, and I think they'll struggle to have the kind of amazing first year of games to kickstart things that Switch had with one of the GOAT games in Breath of the Wild, but also games like Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 rerelease and Xenoblade 2. And because Switch library is so good at this point, Nintendo will really need some big hitter exclusives to get people to want to upgrade.

And of course people's expectations will be higher for Switch 2 first party games on a technical level, so even though they still have lots of studios and close partners, I still think they'll run more into the issues of longer game development times and fair bit higher costs that will thin out the rate of releases somewhat.

Will be very hard for Nintendo to mess up the Switch 2 generation, but I do think there's simply a lower ceiling for success.
Seems to be below PS4Pro levels but more RAM and better CPU?

Also here's the top. Looks like there are two USB C ports. One on top and bottom.

1) Why are the 'renders' so ugly? Screen grabs from a CAD program?

2) What are the bumps on the underside? Some sort of stand, or an additional two triggers?
@Shifty Geezer it was pre launch 'leak' of the Switch. Someone 3d printed it and did some leak style hands on videos of it.

Edit: Actually someone did a fake photoshop of the NX controller and then someone else did a printed version of it based on the photoshop. :)

The images appear to be fake, but the specs are from another source, and they are the same as the shipping manifest leak. So at least those are still very probable.

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