getting married


Elite Bug Hunter
hiya everyone! im getting married! soon!
all this time i thought it will be just me and my cats, playing video games, and talking with you guys in B3D.

i'm still not sure what she saw in me, and yet here we are, enjoying each other's company. hopefully, we can get thru whatever life has for us in the future, together.

if any of you are vacationing in indonesia or something, please do come to our wedding reception! its near the Dieng vacation region. i've told my future wife about you guys, about this wonderful place that has accompanied me for years. she seems to enjoy my story but adamant that if any of you did come to our reception, she insist that she wants me to do the talking, as she's not confident with her english (despite my english is also not good lol).

its this month, on the 20th. our invitation page // Whoops. I forgot that this post is crawl able by search engines. //

oh and here's a photo of my cat

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my cat is sick, the old one, around 15yrs old, not in the photo. the doctor says there's nothing wrong, and prescribed stomach acid medicine + vitamins. despite vomiting, lethargic, drooling, and wont eat and wont drink.

no guidance at all on how to take care of it. google says to manually fed it, so i fed it... but the dosage of manual feeding is confusing. the food packaging says 1 pack (80gr) for 2 days. but google says around 100gr for 1 day.

my cat is sick, the old one, around 15yrs old, not in the photo. the doctor says there's nothing wrong, and prescribed stomach acid medicine + vitamins. despite vomiting, lethargic, drooling, and wont eat and wont drink.

no guidance at all on how to take care of it. google says to manually fed it, so i fed it... but the dosage of manual feeding is confusing. the food packaging says 1 pack (80gr) for 2 days. but google says around 100gr for 1 day.
If you're able to get it where you're at, there's a medicine called Mirtazapine that saved my cat's life when he had a thyroid tumour and was so sick he wouldn't eat. Cats get into this unfortunate negative feedback loop where they don't eat or drink because they feel unwell, but the dehydration and lack of food makes them weaker, and then it all kind of spirals.

Mirtazapine helps break the cycle:

As far as how much food they should be eating, normally go by calories versus food mass, as different foods can be very different calories per gram:

Best of luck with the kitty, and congratulations on the engagement!

So happy for you, marriage is the best thing that ever happened for me and I truly hope it's the same for you and yours!

More later when I'm not typing like a boomer on my phone but am so happy for you! Seems like just yesterday you showed up worrying about your English but you're fully B3D family now and have been for a long time, we're all wishing you the best and we'll always be here for you if there's anything we can do to help.

Big, BIG love buddy and seriously heart felt congrats and best wishes for the future! :love:
these comments making me smile haha. thanks a bunch!

and yeah, my future wife already got tech issue just a few days ago, despite all these years she has never got that kind of issue lol.

@digitalwanderer hopefully you were not typing while offroading with your jeep :D