Xbox and Microsoft's plan for the future


Whoever wrote that article is reading into things too much... .NET is for where portability matters and performance is a second consideration; gaming is unsuited for .NET migration, nor do I see Power5 as being instrumental in shaping the future of Windows and .NET. IBM won simply because they were running under-capacity and was willing to cut a deal with MS.
...... .NET is for where portability matters......

.NET and portability?...... does not comprehend.....

I have always thought that .NET is only for Windows platform. Then again, I don't understand much about this .NET thing.[/list]
It's an interesting article. Insinuating that MS is deliberately failing (essentially), or at least underachieving, in many markets...I can't envision it being as much of a success story for MS as Cringely suggests, but maybe investors can.
Re: ...

Lesson2: Selective quoting to prove a fallicious point.

DeadMeatGA said:
"Will commercial games be written in .NET? Probably not at this point,"

Notice the comma at the end? How odd.... The mechanics of sentance structure would seem to lead one to believe that the comma was creating a shift in direction - but why not quote that? Ahh... the beauty of selective quoting!

[url= said:
Actual Post[/url]] However recently the demand for .NET support has increased. Porting 50-60 examples to VB and C# is a time consuming process, but rewarding to see them working in other languages.

There are lots of .NET languages popping up, Cobol, Fortan, Python, and Perl to name a few. When done right it is possible to expose nearly all of the API to languages I never thought would be supported.

Will commercial games be written in .NET? Probably not at this point, but the work I've done so far shows that this is entirely possible when using a managed wrapper over a C/C++ engine DLL.

Wow, thats some damn good quoting there DMGA... A+ for you!

Vince, do you not understand that performance-oriented software code will never go to intepretated route for the very reason of performance?
Quoting something out of context and then not quoting something in its entirety is a criminal offence and the perpetrators need to be prosecuted with the full power of the forum moderators.. heh.

Not that DMGA is the only one guilty of this heinous grime [sic].

I have to admit though DGMA you should apologise for that and promise not to do in the future. It's really bad (TM). Plus if you tried anything like that at a professional level you can kick your ass goodbye out of that job.

Otherwise... I dont get it, if MS is forcing people to develop with VS >NET then where is the argument that .NET is not possible or in use at this time? Or is VS .NET another beast (Qroach?).
Quoting something without using the full sentence and what the man meant does little to prove your point Deadmeat. It would be best if you use the opinion or facts of someone that supports your argument.

I do not think .NET would be a completely effective tool when it comes to making games. Regular developer's tools are fine for now and the current languages will probably go on the way to next gen systems. C# would be interesting to see implemented into games though. Can Xbox take advantage of anything that C# can provide of C++?
Sonic said:
C# would be interesting to see implemented into games though. Can Xbox take advantage of anything that C# can provide of C++?

C# is an awesome language IMHO. A great blend of the power you want, but dropping some of the ugly aspects of Java and C++.

Of course, I use it for developing business software. I've actually got several example projects with DirectX and C# but to be hones, the overhead of the .Net framework simply is too high for the kinds of games you want to make on a console.

Regarding portability... The entire concept of the MSIL and JIT compiling points towards the concept of portability... It just so happens that the Windows platform is the only platform that supports .Net at this point.