Recent content by Sasquatch

  1. S

    Using VBOs with multiple textures and meshes

    I guess my question boils down to: how much control do you have over the rendering process with the VBO? Is it an all or nothing rendering kind of thing or do you have control over individual vertices and faces?
  2. S

    Using VBOs with multiple textures and meshes

    This question was specifically different enough from my last one so forgive me for making a new thread. I am rendering an old BSP based game format. I am attempting to use VBOs except I have hit a roadbump. There doesn't seem to be any really simple way to have different textures assigned to...
  3. S

    Need advice for 3D BSP based graphics engine

    I will read these Rodéric. Thank you. You mentioned "We use spatial acceleration structures and depth-sorted or shader sorted entities lists" for use in frustum culling and such. Do you have any links to that which I can implement?
  4. S

    Need advice for 3D BSP based graphics engine

    Thank you Rodéric. I will definitely purchase that book. I am glad to know I can ditch the old model of lighting as it is most likely obsolete. And thank you Davros. I will look into the source. Always hesitant to start looking at such huge projects but I have to learn soon anyway. Thank...
  5. S

    Need advice for 3D BSP based graphics engine

    Hi. I have coded myself a OpenGL BSP viewer for an old game format. It is very similar to the Quake 3 file format. Because my interest is developing graphics engines, I want to be developing while looking at using current technology. So I turn to you, the experts on the subject for direction of...