Using VBOs with multiple textures and meshes


This question was specifically different enough from my last one so forgive me for making a new thread.

I am rendering an old BSP based game format. I am attempting to use VBOs except I have hit a roadbump. There doesn't seem to be any really simple way to have different textures assigned to specific polygons and I am not sure how to have so many regions (meshes), about 300-2000 managed easily.

My PVS works like this:
1. The camera is in region 135.
2. Reference the PVS. We can see regions 136, 139 and 150.
4. But region 150 is out of our frustum.
3. Render just 135, 136 and 139.

Can I somehow assign another field in my VBO like a region number and only render the regions that are of the visible set and are in my frustum? Is there a way to only render specific parts of the VBO? Does anyone have an example?

So that is question one. Another place in various online VBO tutorials is the lack of more than one texture in a mesh. These regions have anywhere from 1 - 30 different textures for the polygons in them. I saw some examples of mapping them but this is an old file format and they are compressed in an archive.

Again, could I add a flag, kind of like the region flag, that would bind the correct texture when it came across it?

I have a few other ideas but nothing I want to really jump on until I have the advice of some people that know more than I do.

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.
I guess my question boils down to: how much control do you have over the rendering process with the VBO? Is it an all or nothing rendering kind of thing or do you have control over individual vertices and faces?