
There's a rumour that this is going to be a multiplatform title.

they said that ubi already works with ps3/vita crosstalk and they're gonna get a look into smart glass.

of course if the game is a success and it makes sense from an economical point of view t they're gonna make a ps360 version. it's ubi after all.

the game btw sound really intriguing

Half the tablet gameplay solutions there dont look any better than a normal on screen implementation. In fact they look rather contrived and unnecessary.

Particularly "now the tablet screen is your crosshairs!" thing rather than just, onscreen crosshairs zoom like every game forever.

Tablet inventory looks cumbersome too. On Crysis 360 if I want to switch weapons I just press y and it cycles main rifles, or press the dpad left to get power weapon like missile launcher, right to equip grenades, etc. That looks better to me than this video where he has to pick the pickaxe from the tablet, taking his focus off the screen in a moment of action.
Half the tablet gameplay solutions there dont look any better than a normal on screen implementation. In fact they look rather contrived and unnecessary.

Particularly "now the tablet screen is your crosshairs!" thing rather than just, onscreen crosshairs zoom like every game forever.

Tablet inventory looks cumbersome too. On Crysis 360 if I want to switch weapons I just press y and it cycles main rifles, or press the dpad left to get power weapon like missile launcher, right to equip grenades, etc. That looks better to me than this video where he has to pick the pickaxe from the tablet, taking his focus off the screen in a moment of action.

These things are only ever awkward until you get used to them. Putting them down without trying them is like your parents telling you that your music is just noise because they just don't get it. :rolleyes:
To be honest though, Ranger's comments align perfectly with my first thoughts watching the trailer for this game.

I really didn't see the reason for the uses of the second screen in this game. They appear waay too contrived. All they needed to have was a persistent inventory screen on the WiiU controller, which you can select items by simply touching the one you want on the touch screen. It would be infinitely faster, and less contrived than the current system. And would also justify the screens use as an enhancement of gameplay, which is something Nintendo desperately needs to get across to gamers before this thing launches (the whole tablet thing was always a much harder sell than the Wii-mote was).

I also wasn't impressed with the graphics at all. The game is not too pretty when compared against some of PS360s best games. Of course it's probably an early build however. Is it dev'd on the source engine? Or what engine is this game using? Anyone know?
Half the tablet gameplay solutions there dont look any better than a normal on screen implementation. In fact they look rather contrived and unnecessary.
ZombiU tablet screen use actually looks pretty good in most cases, IMO. The scanning and sniper sight view in particular look quite good. With a real rifle you have both views; looking through the binocular (monocular? lol) sight you get a zoom view, you take your eye off it you see the big picture. In regular games you push buttons to zoom in and out, it's not the same instantaneous switch. If Wuu renders both views simultaneously that would be great, and IMO a big shift UP from how it works on traditional platforms. However if it just copies the same zoomed-in view on both displays it's not quite as impressive.

I'm not sure how the game handles this though as I've not seen any more of the game than the official trailer released at E3.

Tablet inventory looks cumbersome too.
Tablet inventory would only be useful if you need to pick and choose between a limited number of weapons/gear that you are able to carry. Typically in many games with this limit, you'll toss your currently equipped gun on the ground when trying to pick up a new one, causing a lot of (IMO) unneccessary flipping back and forth between guns to make sure you'll toss your least desireable weapon. For example, you might need to check ammo levels to make sure you don't keep a gun with just a clip and a half of shots left and toss the rifle with half a backpack of spare magazines...

If you have an inventory screen that displays all the relevant info about your guns, maybe including firepower of each weapon etc, that would be easier to manage. However if the game forces you to drag and drop items every time you want to change weapon that would be stupid and cumbersome. It'd just artificially slow you down in a time-sensitive zombie game.

Here's to hoping the game designers handle this properly before the game is released!
I think the whole point is to in fact make it more uncomfortable to create tension in certain situations.
Damn that review was harsh. And with no zelda or mario this was really the game that was going to sell the wiiu on launch.

Wow. And the game also looked like shit which wasnt even mentioned in the review. Forget about the horrific gameplay and the idiotic integration of the stupid tablet controller, the game looks like ass.

I mean I will deal with crap visuals as long as theres a reason. Like DayZ that is friggin huge with all kinds of options to do stuff. Its ok if the visuals arent top notch. But to have shit for visuals plus not be open world and be limited on what you can do ?

Again, just wow. So much for this game. Geez that review was brutal.

Huh my bad, thats actually great news. Everything I read said there wasnt a new mario game for the wiiu launch.

I couldnt believe N would be that stupid, thanks for setting me straight.

Although I will say when I initially saw your message I thought you were saying zombieU was getting good reviews too. After watching that gamespot review I would love to see a review where somebody said the game was even good let alone great.
WiiU is the gamegun? That could be a pretty good use of the WiiU pad for shooters.
IMHO, that is horrible gameplay mechanics. Why would gamers want to look at such a small screen when they could be looking at their large screens or projection screens? For instance I'd rather be looking at my 54" Plasma display and Xarthna would rather be looking at his full-wall projector display.

That feels like they forced that use just to have a check-box "Wuu Pad usage" feature.
That is my entire problem with the wiiu.

Games will have to force use of the tablet that doesnt make sense. It seems like we have the first victim here
I finally removed Eurogamer from my bookmark, jeez... :LOL:

Too much disprepancies of late, did like the turn made by DF about testing graphic cards, and other devices, and so on.

Wrt to ZombiU only seems like it is not good enough by a fair stretch to be a system seller. I would not put the burden on the pad though, gametrailer review (I usually don't read there review) say that gameplay (fighting) is boring because of the lack of ammunition, you end up using the baseball bat for most part of the game. That is a good enough reason for me to pass in the hypothetic where I would end buying the system that is it.
There is no concensus: from as low as 3.5/10 gamesradar up to 9.2/10 from official Nintendo mag, with 4,5,6, 7, 8. Basically every score you want...you can find a review.

Shows again how awful games journalism and games reviews in general are.

Do game devs and publisher even want objective game journalism?

It would be interesting to relate the amount of Nintendo and Ubisoft commercials on the webpage to the score given.
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