Yooka-Laylee, a game created by ex Rare developers, which is the spiritual successor of the mythical Banjo Kazooie, is going to launch on consoles and PC, and it will be a simultaneous, concurrent launch.
Those former employees from the British studio Rare, formed a new studio called Playtonic.
The project began with a Kickstarter campaign and achieved its funding goal -175k British pounds- in 40 minutes!!
At the moment of writing this, the Kickstarter campaign is at £1,267,223 pledged of the initial goal. There are still 44 days to go... Go figure!
It has been the fastest video game to ever hit $1M on Kickstarter.
Those former employees from the British studio Rare, formed a new studio called Playtonic.
The project began with a Kickstarter campaign and achieved its funding goal -175k British pounds- in 40 minutes!!
At the moment of writing this, the Kickstarter campaign is at £1,267,223 pledged of the initial goal. There are still 44 days to go... Go figure!
It has been the fastest video game to ever hit $1M on Kickstarter.
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