Woohoo, I finally got unlimited broadband connection!

Simon F said:

Always find those tools kinda wrong. In the end the best way i can find is with big downloads like torrents. It's hard to get to the top of my connection with just one torrent so sometimes it happened that i had lots of torrents going on at the same time and in total i was downloading at more than 900kByte/s (more or less), which is what it should be while i also upload something at about 10-20KB/s.
I think I got BB in May 2002, or was it 2001? No it must have been 02 because I had winxp/USB drivers slowing me down on the motherbaord I was using. I remember sitting there starring at downloads go "woooosh"...

Now if something isn't doing at least 50k/sec I'm disapointed. 200k/sec still raises an eyebrow when I see it though.
Woohoo, I downloaded Killzone 2 "video" ;), and also Gears of War. One strange thing though, GoW is ~ 89 MB (4 Min, Bit Rate - 12568 kbps, 640 x 480) whereas MGS4 is ~ 30 MB (3 Min, BR - 1515 kbps, 640 x 480). Is that size difference bec'se of bit rate? But I didn't see any visual difference. Does that mean GoW video could have been coded at lower BR (like MGS4) with no visual degradation but with drastic size cut?

BTW, which p2p client software would you recommend. I just downloaded and used LimeWire.
Deepak said:
Woohoo, I downloaded Killzone 2 "video" ;), and also Gears of War. One strange thing though, GoW is ~ 89 MB (4 Min, Bit Rate - 12568 kbps, 640 x 480) whereas MGS4 is ~ 30 MB (3 Min, BR - 1515 kbps, 640 x 480). Is that size difference bec'se of bit rate? But I didn't see any visual difference. Does that mean GoW video could have been coded at lower BR (like MGS4) with no visual degradation but with drastic size cut?

BTW, which p2p client software would you recommend. I just downloaded and used LimeWire.

I dont really use "P2P" if I'm going to get something that I cant find here, mostly music, I will use torrent. Its the best, and I've had the best luck. If I can buy music I do though, but its just harder than anything I've ever done to find good death metal in the states.

Also, maybe its a different type of Codec for the movies?
rendezvous said:
256 Kbps seems very limited to me ;)

You know .. you are an idiot.

Not everyone lives in a first world country and has access to first world facilities.

Congrats DeePak .. 256k is better than nothing . .I know.

In SA they offer 512k prices at almost 3 times the prices that people pay overseas and then it's also limited to 3 Gig.

For 1MB line they offering for close to US$300 and it still has a 3 gig limit.

That's because there is no competition here for the National Operator.
