Why is no one talking about this? Wii outselling the PS2

You bought a 360 didn´t you? If you can find a 20 GB box, it´s not that big difference, especially if you consider it contains a complete PSTwo á $130, I am sure you can talk her into it.

But you might as well wait until the BC list for the European version is published and see if her favourite games are on that list, if they are, then you are not in such a hurry, because when the new cost reduced SKU hits US (whenever it does) the BC will probably be at least as good as that.

I mean you could possibly wait for a price drop, if she can wait that long that is. ;)

This is such a great oppurtunity for you to get an alibi for getting a PS3, even though you are kind of giving an image of not being particulary fond of the Playstation brand, you probably are very curious about the PS3 and would like to explore it hands-on. :smile:

Well, she is just too pretty to wait! So... the ps2 was replaced Sunday with a black slimline from Target (being the cheap prick I am though, I had to use a 10% off Target coupon) :p

As I stated in the win win win thread, my purchase decision may have been different if Ps3 was first to market at a cheaper pricepoint and a larger library (sooner). As it is, I already have the HD experience and most good 3rd party games are multiplat this gen. I'll miss a few until ps3 is <$200... unless next-nextgen is right around the corner which will probably make me consider using the cash for one of the new beasts.:devilish:

We'll see. :smile:
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personally im surprised the ps2 is still selling in such large quantities, whos buying them? ( i expect a large percentage are ppl whos old ones are broken + want to keep playing the games )

i am seriously considering which one to buy between a slimline ps2 or 60gig ps3. with ps2 i feel i can play games on ps2 to allow me to save up more for another year, then get hdtv + ps3 at same time to avoid disappointment (i feel its waste of electricity to play hd games on sdtv), but on the other hand i feel it is waste of patience.

after all, i would have money to buy ps3 at its launch, so i need to be careful.
It's extremely funny how beating the PS2 in charts was something the 360 absolutely needed to do in order to prove itself a worthy next-gen console and now that 1) the PS3 is out and doesn't beat the PS2 2) the Wii does it by a rather large amount, it's suddenly completely obvious that since everyone and his mother already own a PS2 (heck, a couple of those, even), that milestone means nothing...

Or that the PS3's the biggest sales in terms of consumer money spent.

And it's probably first too in terms of money lost ! Sony are number one ! Isn't that heart-warming ? :smile:
Could you please enlighten us as to how this particular measure is of any importance except in telling us that MS doesn't outsell Sony by 1.5/1 ratio, and that Nintendo doesn't outsell Sony by a 2.4/1 ratio ? I remember that particular spin (consumer spent money) used a couple of times in the PSP/DS situation, and we all know how that one turned out in the end... If PS3 sold more units that 360 or Wii, you can bet that this specific measure would not be used.
price is not really a factor, i know ppl tend to say cheap is good (which of course is true) but is certainly not the most important thing, ... bla bla bla yada yada yada.

Take one economics class, and tell me price is not a factor.

Price is allways a factor, and usally a

The reason for why we are selling more premium versions, is probably because

1. Premiums vs Core are produced in a 5:1 ratio.
2. Premium has more value. You need to buy a mem stick or a hdd for the core X360, and that alone almost makes up for it. The PS3 premium one has build in Wifi, amongst other things.

I will now destroy your entire theory about price not being a big factor with one sentence:

Every single console, ever, has had increased sales after a pricecut compared to the prior month

Thank you for your time.
i believe noones talking about the wii here on these forums, cause the majority of ppl here tend to be ps3 + xb360 supporters, ie they dont want to hear about this upstart.

price is not really a factor, i know ppl tend to say cheap is good (which of course is true) but is certainly not the most important thing, as this argument can be destroyed with the data
whats selling much better?
the $499 or the $599 ps3? answer $599 by a big margin
the $299 or the $399 xb360? answer $399 by a big margin

desirability is the most important thing for a console, since the launch of the wii here in nz its been in the newspaper a few times, wii craze, fitness benefits etc, contrast this with the media about ps3 (only mentioned it will launching soon) or the xb360 ( new console launched )

personally im surprised the ps2 is still selling in such large quantities, whos buying them? ( i expect a large percentage are ppl whos old ones are broken + want to keep playing the games )

Just because people want the best out of one product doesnt mean that price doesnt matter.

People want the best PS3 and the best 360 and they will pay for them but at the same time due to the price there are these who are still waiting either for a price drop or better games to pay for the best version of the console otherwise they will buy nothing or buy the cheapest alternative of the other best version of a certain console
First thing that stands out to me between those numbers is how small the Japanese market is compared to the US.

Wii US outselling ALL of Japan combined.
I will now destroy your entire theory about price not being a big factor with one sentence:
Every single console, ever, has had increased sales after a pricecut compared to the prior month
ok how about this,
japan, with the gamecube it had 2 pricecuts, and each time the sales figures actually went DOWN afterwards
hmmm destroyed :)
anyways i did mention cheap certainly is good, but like i said, desirablity is the number one factor,
why did the more expensive ps2 outsell the gamecube last generation?, simple, ppl wanted the ps2.
this is the same buzz the wii has at present, ppl want it, even ppl who traditionally dont play games

Premiums vs Core are produced in a 5:1 ratio.
i believes theres even a term used in economics, umm let me think, oh yeah its called 'supply and demand' :LOL:
even in shops with the $299 + $399 or $499 + $599 played side by side, ppl are choosing the higher priced model. this is turn fuels the supply and demand
"Why is PS2 beating X360?"
"Because the PS2 is a great console with tons of games and a lot of life yet."

"Why is Wii beating PS2?"
"Because the PS2 is an old dead console that everyone and their grandmother has."

I think it's silly to act like everyone knew that Nintendo would move over a half-million units in January. Regardless of whether you think it's a divine gift or the death of gaming as we know it, the Wii is very, very popular right now.

When Nintendo announced the Wii would be $250, this board exploded with how stupidly high that price is for such weak hardware. Now that it's selling out every shipment, everyone's acting nonchalant, like "Oh yeah, $120 more than a PS2 makes perfect sense, duh, everyone knew that." The Wii is popular right now. Maybe people will get tired of it in a year, but I don't think there's any way to spin its current sales right now other than to say, "It's popular."
...anyways i did mention cheap certainly is good, but like i said, desirablity is the number one factor,
why did the more expensive ps2 outsell the gamecube last generation?, simple, ppl wanted the ps2.
this is the same buzz the wii has at present, ppl want it, even ppl who traditionally dont play games.
I think the DVD-player of the PS2 played a role at that time as well.
First thing that stands out to me between those numbers is how small the Japanese market is compared to the US.
Wii US outselling ALL of Japan combined.
u might wanna reassess that
the japan figures were for a single week
the US figures were for 5 weeks

japan is way different to the west
look at the top selling game this week
# Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom) - 500,000 copies

that was 500,000 copies in a single day!!!
even GTA4 is gonna struggle to do that well with first day sales in the US
(just checked the best selling game in the US sold less than 500,000 in the whole of january)
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Wii outselling PS2 has as much relevance as DS outselling PS2 or any other of the more expensive consoles IMO. :???:
When Nintendo announced the Wii would be $250, this board exploded with how stupidly high that price is for such weak hardware
i admit i thought $250 was to much, but looking at how its selling looks like it wasnt, perhaps even $50 more would of been acceptable!
Wii outselling PS2 has as much relevance as DS outselling PS2 or any other of the more expensive consoles IMO
in the US the ps2 + DS have the same RRP
Sure YOU think that...

It certainly is a tough hurdle. But then, I don't think anyone thought a console would sell more than the NES back in the mid 90s. PS1 did it out of the blue when people were calling N64 and Nintendo the unstoppable 800lb gorilla. And PS2 duplicated that feat.

But we're a loooooooooooooong way from Wii selling over 100m systems. :LOL:
You know, the fact that the Wii is outselling the PS2.



This is something the Xbox 360 is still unable to do? BTW, before you mention price remember this... The PS2 is the dominant last gen system which is still selling well, much cheaper than the Wii, and yet the Wii outsold it significantly.

1) Wii is a new system. PS2 is 7 years old.

2) Wii is less than twice the price of a PS2, and still at a mass market entry price.

3) Xbox 360 Premium (the version people are actually buying) is 3x the price of PS2.

This trend will die out later this year. If by this time next year the PS2 is still outselling the Xbox 360 and PS3, yikes. But I seriously doubt that will happen. It'd be unprecedented.
Nintendo hit the jackpot in terms of price. Also, Nintendo did pretty good job with supplies. It is combination of both.. I am not surprised at all that Wii is outselling all other consoles. After it seemed like Nintendo became 3rd string in the console market...they are back with a vengence.
But I still question Wii in terms of its longetivity. I can see 360 and PS3 lasting 5-6 years, but not so clear with Wii. I think everything can be answered after next year.
Sure YOU think that...

Yes, I think that. The console has unprecedented mainstream appeal. This in combination with mainstream pricing and hopefully a games library that will continue on the diverse path started by DS.

Playstation has expanded games acceptability in mainstream culture by marketing games as "cool". The experience though is mostly the same as it ever was. Wii changes the experience significantly and if they continue down their path I think they have an opportunity to not only outsell ps2, but by a significant margin.
But I still question Wii in terms of its longetivity. I can see 360 and PS3 lasting 5-6 years, but not so clear with Wii. I think everything can be answered after next year.
as i mentioned i believe the wi-HD will be released as early as xmas next year
yes i think the wii/wii-HD will break the 100million barrier, theyre what? 5 million now. (this generation will sell >200 million consoles total)
which i assume is way more than nintendo expected theyll be trying to increase their production rates as much as possible
u might wanna reassess that
the japan figures were for a single week
the US figures were for 5 weeks

japan is way different to the west
look at the top selling game this week
# Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom) - 500,000 copies

that was 500,000 copies in a single day!!!
even GTA4 is gonna struggle to do that well with first day sales in the US
(just checked the best selling game in the US sold less than 500,000 in the whole of january)

Aye! Thanks for clearning that up. I thought it was month to month!