Natoma said:

now I get it.
Hmm.. I think what they're probably talking about is something along the lines of raising the minimum wages, as well as instituting worker protections in 3rd world nations,
before we send our money to those countries. That way once people start working, they won't be exploited en masse like they were during our own industrial revolution, ~120 years ago.
I think.
You don't think.
You want your cake and eat the whole thing at once. "once people start working..." So, in your mind, it is better for someone not to be working at all, or working for even worse wages, then be "exploited" by a foreign company? Is it better to employ 20,000 at $1hr with "benefits" or 60,000 at 50cents/hr, if the alternative was living off humantarian donatations, or working for a local employer at even less?
Why is it that us westerners got go through our own hard-nosed capitalist phase with high growth, creative destruction, fight for our rights ourselves, and evolve protections slowly and democratically over a long period, but we must deny this route to others. Hey, let's just impose OSHA-style rules on those Indian call centers. Aeron chairs and ergonomic keyboards for everyone! That oughta stop the oursourcing!
Hey, let's set the wage to $5/hr in Malayasia, right? That will do the greatest good for the greatest number eh?