Sabastian said:
Druga Runda said:
I don't know that. Was Afghanistan wrong as well?
I understand the circumstances are totally different but Afghanistan alone would not send any sort of message to the governments of the region whom were supporting terrorist groups namely Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and Libya. It drove home the idea that the US is not a terrorist punching bag as well. Iraq was far more important move in these terms. Strategically speaking the removal of Saddam is invaluable in the long term. Meanwhile the people of Iraq will finally get a crack at living in a country with a just government. That does not mean that they are guaranteed anything, only that they now have a chance. It is up to the people of Iraq once the US pulls out to make the right decisions.
I actually supported Afghanistan.
Reasons for it:
Aiding a side in civil war. that was overthrown previously, taking out the known terrorist breeding grounds, taking out a really repressive regime, chance at capturing Osama and the leaders (which failed), chance to rebuild the country and show the rest of the region that US/west have good intentions and if they support reforms, and not the terrorists that life can be better for them as well + having a good/strong growin, prospering state in the neighbouring area that is the "us/western" base would certainy be enough to send a strong enough message for the regimes in the region.
However what we do is
1. kick taliban ass...
2. try to nail Osama and the terrorists for a while
3. stop in Afghanistan, leaving the country in the pre-taliban mess, and leave it to international force to "peacekeep" Kabul.
4. invent WOMD
5. present is as a threat
6. try to make up the link between Saddam and AlQuaeda
7. ignore UN, weakening the institution more than the Russians or Chinese ever did, spy on allies, than go to war with Iraq
8 kill 10000 collateral damage, plus countless injured etc...
9. replace Saddam with a governing council in a religiously/ethnically divided country
10 - I hope that we don't cause a civil war on top of it all
--- and that was short as of why it was wrong. Instead of choosing to do good where we would be welcome, we (US/UK) decided to do an invasion. As if Osama and Bush made a deal - after all they are family friends

- and most certainly Osamas hope for uniting all Muslims in a Jihad against the west is now closer than ever.(just wait until Pakistani overthrow Musharaff and join in the anti-west party with their nukes)