What is your *ultimate* virus guard?

Antivirus SW is definitely a must. Never got a CD from other people? I often had some stuff from friends/colleagues which was infected like hell. Just an example.
All free stuff:

Avast Antivirus (nicer than AVG IMHO)
AdAware scans once a week
Kerio firewall (more powerful than ZoneAlarm non-pro I think)
XP SP2 firewall
Shut down unnecessary Windows Services
Get all Windows Security Updates

The firewall is the most important.
Kerio firewall

you can surf pr0n as much as you like with setup like this ;)
My free stuff would have to be:

Kerio firewall
Firefox 1.01
Spybot S&D 1.3
Spywareblaster-stops adware from being installed in the first place.
Adaware 1.05
Antivir personal edition-usually updates everyday,even though its freeware

Having these should do the job & I recommend anyone having Zonealarm get Kerio since it's much better & even for freeware it has an active IDS system which works quite well.
i had ZA free version and tried full version...it pissed me so much that i got Kerio instead....it was too bloody annoying (ZA)....
One more thing, common sense dictates that there is NO *ultimate* virus protection...you're always at risk and you're always vulnerable.

Mwahahahaha to all you PC users :devilish:

.....wait a minute....PC desktop....doh! :oops:

Seriously, Adaware scan once a week, Norton Antivirus (Corperate edition), Microsoft Antispyware Runtime protection, router hardware firewall, no Kazaa etc, Firefox, SP2, common sense and only visit reputable sites 8)

True protection would be no internet! :oops:
my ultimate virus protection-

no networking cards, no infrared recievers, no external I/O ports, no removable storage (floppy / CD / tape / etc), a strong steel case welded shut.

my practical virus protection-

I just stopped going to those gay midget pr0n sites.