What is your favourite expansion/s or DLC extra content ever made for a game?

1. Moria for Lord of the Rings Online was an epic expansion at the time.

2. New Songs for Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

3. City updates for MS Flight Sim
Blood and Wine for Witcher 3
Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep for Borderlands 2

Those three I think could exist as their own stand-alone games. In the case of the last one, Gearbox did eventually do just that and released it as a stand-alone

I also thought about adding Far Cry 3's Blood Dragon, which is also DLC expansion that is also a stand alone game, but since it was sold as a stand alone from the start I'm not sure it really counts.
I don't suppose the aliens wad for the original Doom counts, does it?

Did I just date myself?
gosh, I had a lot of wads back then that I collected from CDs in PC magazines of the era, but I never heard about that aliens wad. Is there any video or does it still exist?

I got the Final Doom CD back in the day and it was a pretty nice expansion, very challenging and it looked good.

Created by Justin Fisher in 1994.
it has that Alien vs Predator -one of my favourite games- vibe to it. I missed it back in the day, I had my first PC in late 1995 and from there I started to play custom wads when I got Doom and after buying PC magazines, but I don't remember playing this particular wad. Maybe it's easy to find in the Doom II + I game recently released in the mods section.
Thinking about this for a bit, and I don't think these answers quite fit I think the original intent, but Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat and Natural Selection. I won't say I didn't like Half-Life but I never liked it either (I could recognize it as a good game objectively, but not in terms of preference), but those mods (and many others) were what I really I got out of Half-Life.