What is a "stock split" and "dividend"?

When I was doing the unofficial project management on the technical part of a very large IT project (you know, managers and IT...), I sometimes did not shave for two days when there was an important political bickerfest (high-level meeting), just to distance myself from them. And I never wear a suit for business, especially not when it is expected of me. I just know very well what I'm talking about. :D
Heh, I intentionally skip shaving a few days and get scary looking before parent/teacher conferences with my son's teacher I don't like...it intimidates the hell out of her. :devilish:
One (unofficial) policy at my company:
When engineers meet customers, they should not wear suits. Put a suit on an engineer, and he loose all his credibility.
Basic said:
One (unofficial) policy at my company:
When engineers meet customers, they should not wear suits. Put a suit on an engineer, and he loose all his credibility.

Exactly. I totally agree. Wearing a suit gives off the message that you're into sales, marketing or politics (management). People who don't get their hands dirty. If you want to know what is really going on, you want someone who looks like they took it apart and build a better one.

When the company I worked for at that time stated that I would be wearing a suit in the future, I bought a leather jacket (the thing that goes over your shirt) and put that on. :LOL: They never asked again.

Btw. IMO, most engineers will do the managing part of the project they're working on as well, if needed, while I've never seen a manager do the engineering part.
DiGuru said:
Btw. IMO, most engineers will do the managing part of the project they're working on as well, if needed, while I've never seen a manager do the engineering part.
Those who can't do, manage. :LOL:
DiGuru said:
digitalwanderer said:
DiGuru said:
Do you want to?
NO!!! :oops:


If you're rich, you're supposed to do as you like.

yeah, digi... if you want to you can wear a black jesters hat around everywhere and act like its totally normal. especially if you're in a bright purple mercedes. funny as hell.
digitalwanderer said:
DiGuru said:
Btw. IMO, most engineers will do the managing part of the project they're working on as well, if needed, while I've never seen a manager do the engineering part.
Those who can't do, manage. :LOL:

Yea, it really is a shame that you can only advance your career (salary and scope) by becoming a manager. And quite a lot of the IT people who gravitate to large, politically important projects don't know anything about it, they're just wannabe-managers. Which is the single most important reason why just about all big IT projects fail to work as expected.
digitalwanderer said:
Heh, I intentionally skip shaving a few days and get scary looking before parent/teacher conferences with my son's teacher I don't like...it intimidates the hell out of her. :devilish:

Now you just need a beard trimmer to keep it at "potentially hobo, or lazy rich dude" length