What if this was Sony's Motto for their Next-Gen Console.



;) LOL
- They'd be advertising for Microsoft and referencing Nintendo.

- A revolution doesn't begin with a 360 degree turn; it ends with one.

- A revolution isn't a change in direction. It ends up in the same place.

- PS3 isn't sounding like a change in direction for technological advancement in the first place, unless nVidia switches to a tile-based display list architecture or such.
Well, Cell is not so radically different from the old Emotion Engine, but whatever Nvidia cooks up will almost certainly be a pretty radical departure from the Graphics Synthesizer, even if it's not a TBDR.
one said:
How can this Nirey guy create another useless thread?

Thank god there is somebody else who is pissed. Afterall this guy pretended to work for Sony, acting up being a big important mr "insider", then after he got busted, he tried to counter with his ridiculous here's my proof thread, now it seems like everybody has forgiven he's "sins". What the hell is going on :?:. Everybody should go medievil on his ass.