I also think being 30fps potentially gives you a much higher chance to score better from the critics. You have GOTY material like God of War, RDR2, Tlou2, UC4, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Breath of the Wind all at 30fps for their primary target frame rate. Yet the critics and majority of the gamers alike eat them up like cakes without a sliver of uproar, this indicates people are generally fine with 30fps being the norm as long as it's locked without severe dipping. Now imagine cutting their base resolution in half to 720p, reduce the interactivity, asset quality etc but you get 60fps now. I bet a lot of base console folks would not sit very well with it at all. the critics would be looking at the latest Naughty Dog games as if back in the PS3 days due to the extreme blurriness on their full HD and 4k TVs. Same applies to next gen, you can't have your game looking subpar in an already highly competitive visual based industry, the more pretty pixels get you more attention period. Only the hardcore B3Ders and forum goers crave for smoothness over eye candies.