Welsh Rugby fan has no balls

London - A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating world champions England at rugby in Cardiff for the first time in 12 years, newspapers reported on Tuesday.

Geoff Huish, 26, told drinkers at a social club: "If Wales win I'll cut my balls off," the Daily Mirror and The Sun reported.

Friends at the club in Caerphilly, south Wales, thought he was joking.

But after Saturday's Six Nations match which Wales won 11-9 when Gavin Henson kicked a 45-metre penalty, Huish went home and reportedly cut off his testicles with a knife.

He then walked 200m back with the testicles to show the shocked drinkers what he had done.

Huish was taken to hospital where he remained in a seriously ill condition, the papers said.
The guy was either on drugs, or this story is complete and utter bullshit of the worst kind.
Reading it made me go weak at the knees though, just imagining.... err...... ouch.....
Yeah, how he managed to get back to the pub from his home with his balls cut off and bleeding like a pig I don't know. Sounds fishy.

Anyway, if story's true then it serves him right; a man as dumb as that don't deserve to have balls... This way he can't pollute the gene pool. :p

I'd nominate him for a Darwin award but it looks like he'll live! :LOL:
Guden Oden said:
I'd nominate him for a Darwin award but it looks like he'll live! :LOL:
Nah, a person simply has to be out of the genepool to qualify for the award. Sterilization is just as good as death. . . more-or-less. :)
People HAVE cut off their own limbs and such... Remember that mountain climber who amputated his arm after a boulder in a rockslide trapped it a couple years ago? I'm sure there are many other examples too.
in "the scotsman"'s version of this , it quotes a local saying "he's on medication and shouldnt have been drinking really"

kinda explains it a bit more ;)

The Welsh are doing this sort of thing all the time, to be honest I'm rather suprised it made the news. :)
nutball said:
The Welsh are doing this sort of thing all the time, to be honest I'm rather suprised it made the news. :)

And the sheep in Wales are now less at risk of interference! (very slightly, admittedly) ;)