w00t! w00t! I ownz a Radeon 9800 PRO now!!!

Mendel said:
I still recommend you should at least check if radlinker is of any use to you. Application profile-wise you know. And don't mind us early adopters bitching about the oldness of the card, you will probably be fine with it for at least a year... Makes hl2, doom3, far cry and pals playable at least :)

That profile functionality is likely to be superceded with the new Catalysts due out at the beginning of September.
I looked at Radlinker and it looks a bit hackish I have to say, won't bother installing it. ATiTool is so slick despite the low version number, and the ATi control panel has most options one needs anyway so I'll go with that combo for now.
Guden Oden said:
I am so happy! ^^

It sits in my Dell D8100 which is FULLY LOADED with crap and has a 250W PSU. I dunno if it'll work in 3D apps because I haven't dared to start anything yet, rofl.

Tell me, doctor, where are we going this time
Is this the 50's, or 1999
All I wanted to do - was play my guitar and sing

Guden Oden said:
Also, does anyone know of any windowed 3D apps, perhaps one that sits at idle priority and doesn't consume much CPU? I'd like to have some colors moving around when I'm just using my pooter. If it rendered to a fullscreen overlay behind all other windows that would be amazing!

This is what you looking for: http://www.dreamrender.com/
