w00t! w00t! I ownz a Radeon 9800 PRO now!!!

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I am so happy! ^^

It sits in my Dell D8100 which is FULLY LOADED with crap and has a 250W PSU. I dunno if it'll work in 3D apps because I haven't dared to start anything yet, rofl.

What tweaking program is best for Radeon cards, Rivatuner? I used that for my GF3 and it worked great.

Also, does anyone know of any windowed 3D apps, perhaps one that sits at idle priority and doesn't consume much CPU? I'd like to have some colors moving around when I'm just using my pooter. If it rendered to a fullscreen overlay behind all other windows that would be amazing!

Humus should write something like that IMO... :)
Get yourself ATiTool and be happy, it's the RivaTuner of ATi cards now. 8)

Congrats on the 9800 pro, I lovered my 9700 pro to pieces and I know the 9800 is a bit better....methinks you're gonna have a blast!
Guden Oden said:
What tweaking program is best for Radeon cards, Rivatuner?

Radlinker is a good one. Congrats on your card!


Also, does anyone know of any windowed 3D apps, perhaps one that sits at idle priority and doesn't consume much CPU? I'd like to have some colors moving around when I'm just using my pooter. If it rendered to a fullscreen overlay behind all other windows that would be amazing!

Winamp 5 visualizations can be set to work like that, just set overlay color to your desktop background color. It will react to music too!
Thanks Digi, I checked it out and wooow, it was a great program! Mega thanks for recommending it (1 google and I found the home site in 5 secs).

Ran the auto overclocker and it bumped core from 378 to 421 and mem from 338 to 348 with no artifacts. If I'd accepted some artifacting I'm sure it would have run a bit faster, but I'm CPU limited anyway with my P4 1.7 in pretty much all games, and the ones where I'm not are so old they run fast as hell anyway. Well, except Diablo 2 which runs like shit, but it's done that ever since I switched to XP a year ago, so it's clearly a software issue. :p

I'm incredibly impressed with ATi and the hardware they built. My GF3 was one small, solid, NICE looking card full of green heatsinks, and the Radeon improves upon it. There's little sinks here and there on this one too, and the main sink/fan for the GPU looks neat and professional just like with the GF3. I have a big-ass slowspinning 7V 120mm slotcooler that feeds nice fresh air to the card too.

The card itself is like a noname product actually, some manufacturer called Connect3D which I've never heard of, but the stuff they bundle with the card is top notch. I got 1 nice thick S-video cable and 1 nice thick composite cable, and a S-Video to composite plug, and a DVI-to-VGA plug too that oozes quality (it's very heavy and solid-looking, probably because it's ATi-issue! ;)). Now I know why Humus was so eager to join these guys, they rule!

Software installation went without a hitch, everything went very smoothly. Catalyst 3.8 installed right away, no problems. Simply put, Stuff Plain Works. Even driver download went slick as shi-... 720k/s, LOL! Even 26MB downloads become bearable at those speeds. ;)

Damn ATi rocks... That it even RUNS in my old comp that barely has a PSU left with all the stuff I've loaded into it. 2 7200RPM IBM HDDs, 2 opticals, 5 PCI boards and upwards of 10 USB devices and now this (overclocked, I might add) 9800 Pro. 3DMark 03 before O/C job was 5135 I believe. Not checked after. Doom3 was a less than impressive 27fps at 640 res, but I think the game ran a screwed mix of NV20 and ARB2 render paths because models suffered from the half-dark/half-bright problem, and after I did a vid_restart things started looking MUUCH better all of a sudden! :p

Will experiment more with AA/AF settings, etc now... Dammit, release HL2 already! LOL!

Thanks for your tip. I already knew that, but unfortunately I prefer to run AVS as the visualization, and it is entirely software driven... Besides, I haven't seen any WA plugin that don't hog all free CPU, and I don't want it running constantly in the background anyway. :) Thanks for the tip though, preciate it!
You might want to take the heatsink off and see if it says r360 on the core. Alot of the newer 9800pros are really xts . So you can flash and get over drive and what not .
It's only 128MB on-board, so I don't know if the flashy-flash thing trick will work - XTs all seem to be 256MB... I don't wanna screw up my brand new card for a few FPS here or there. ;)
Guden Oden said:
It's only 128MB on-board, so I don't know if the flashy-flash thing trick will work - XTs all seem to be 256MB... I don't wanna screw up my brand new card for a few FPS here or there. ;)

true :) but u should still check it out :) if its a r360 core u got some nice stuff. Check out rage3d.com they may have some moded bios that will work on 128meg cards :)
Thanks for the tip... :D Is it entirely neccessary to take off the cooler? I'd rather not do that the first day if it can be detected via a software program... :p
Guden Oden said:
Thanks for the tip... :D Is it entirely neccessary to take off the cooler? I'd rather not do that the first day if it can be detected via a software program... :p

I don't know if u can tell any other way .
Guden Oden said:
It's only 128MB on-board, so I don't know if the flashy-flash thing trick will work - XTs all seem to be 256MB... I don't wanna screw up my brand new card for a few FPS here or there. ;)

Exactly my philosophy. :D Congrats on your new board! I got the *exact* same thing two weeks ago. Did you make sure you got the 256-bit bus version? It's significantly superior over the 128.

About your 250-watt PSU. You might want to consider a new one (350-400 at least) since 250 isn't that much. Antec make good PSUs, among others. But if your rig runs fins with your current one after a few weeks, al lthe best! :)
I'm with you on not screwing up a new board, I'm still afraid to take the heatsink off my X800! :LOL:

Get radlinker too, it's great for setting per-game settings with your new card....I use that and ATiTool and got meself nicely covered. 8)
And congrats to YOURS, cloud! :D

I can't change PSU, because it's a D(h)ell, and they have their own. I guess I could use an extra ATX wired to start with the PC just to power the Radeon, but that seems like going overboard. It works like this and I won't start messing around when it works. :)

I don't mind custom stuff THAT much as long as it's GOOD custom stuff, and I've been inside that PSU and I know it's high-quality devices in there. :)

Now I will try 3DMark again, hehehe!
IF your going to take off the heatsink to check u might as well get a silencer. Its a great mod esp for a dell case as it will dump extra heat out of the system .
Sorry, all PCI slots filled. Besides, I would never use a crummy solution that uses more than one slot for cooling purposes. :p It's a matter of principle... I could possibly consider a heatpipe cooler that uses the back of the card, but the green hood that fits over the CPU heatsink would probably interfere with that idea.

Anyway, there's pretty good ventilation in this case anyway, it's got 92mm CPU/system cooling fan and an 80mm unit in the PSU. I'm not sure this card's heat limited anyway when it comes to overclocking, and my CPU is a much bigger break than the GPU anyway so it matters naught in the end. ;)
Guden Oden said:
Didn't I just say that? ;)

YES, I filled up all the PCI slots. 8)

with what ? hidden porno cds ?

haha . I'm using 2 pci slots and i though that was alot haha
Guden Oden said:
I am so happy! ^^

It sits in my Dell D8100 which is FULLY LOADED with crap and has a 250W PSU. I dunno if it'll work in 3D apps because I haven't dared to start anything yet, rofl.

What tweaking program is best for Radeon cards, Rivatuner? I used that for my GF3 and it worked great.

Also, does anyone know of any windowed 3D apps, perhaps one that sits at idle priority and doesn't consume much CPU? I'd like to have some colors moving around when I'm just using my pooter. If it rendered to a fullscreen overlay behind all other windows that would be amazing!

Humus should write something like that IMO... :)

Welcome to 2003. :)
Ha ha, very funny, Natoma! :p Some of us aren't made of money you know! ;) This was a big investment for me.

Besides, a more recent videocard most likely WOULD have toasted my PSU, so it doesn't really matter. :) It must be borderline as it is, because pretty much the only two slots I don't have something (useful) in are two of the RIMM slots; just continuity modules sitting there.

And Jvd, FYI my cards are: :D

56k analog modem (emergency backup purposes only)
Adaptec 6-port USB2 card (only five useable at the same time though)
Adaptec 4-port USB2/3-port Firewire card (3 USB 2 FW external, 1 of each int)
SB Audigy2 ZS
Hauppauge stereo TV tuner/radio card
I still recommend you should at least check if radlinker is of any use to you. Application profile-wise you know. And don't mind us early adopters bitching about the oldness of the card, you will probably be fine with it for at least a year... Makes hl2, doom3, far cry and pals playable at least :)