Using AI to improve games.


As of recently I read the news about this Resident Evil HD Remaster mod which uses AI to enhance the game's 2500 backgrounds and is already a must-have for fans.

This new mod that is essential for all the fans of the series, uses AI to improve the game's 2,500 backgrounds and leaves the game with outrageously beautiful visuals.

The modder nicknamed 'Arcturium' is the author of a High Definition texture pack for the improved version of the classic horror adventure created by Shinji Mikami.

The project is called 'Rescale' and it greatly improves the Resident Evil remake released in 2015 , reviving the Resident Evil experience with an essential mod.

In detail, this 'Rescale' is a mod that is also a background restoration and that aims to bring the fidelity of the original backgrounds of the game to the current version on PC.

In turn, he comments that it is " a spiritual successor to Shiryu's REUpscale project " in version 1.0 of the project that -perhaps- can even be improved over time.

The modder says that the 2,500 backgrounds have been replaced with a restored and refurbished version that should be of noticeably higher quality.

On the mod page you can see many more details of the project, real-time comparison images and other comments from its creator; including future versions to improve the mod.

In this sense, are you returning to Resident Evil? Which other games have similar mods that improve a game using AI, be it behavioral changes or graphics or physics, etc, changes?
This comment got my attention

"Some rooms in the PC release were made fully 3D for some reason. Not sure why but these rooms have not been altered in any way. I don't know if it's possible to upscale the textures in these rooms, but I didn't find them when extracting the game files for this project."

Is this the same in consoles? I wonder which rooms are these

It is appears that at some point the game was going to be fully 3D on GC? Someone says that the reason they went with Prerendered at the end was to reduce the size to fit into the GC's minidisc. Unsure if true, but if true I wonder how close it would have looked to the final version.

Maybe it's those 3D environments they reused for the PC version