Unseen GT4 shots

Some of you guys are extremely cynical about games' graphics. You are completely, fully jaded out.

I was playing GT Concept-Tokyo last night. Looking at my replays, zooming in and out and watching the car's suspension dance at every turn.

WRC2 is another great game that does great things. I take PGR for a spin to see what's like to drive a Ferrari through times squares.

While you guys are taking apart an aspect of a game that has absolutely nothing to do in terms of interferring with playing it (ie., shimmering, a term i had never heard about until these next gen systems), i'm at home actually playing these games and enjoying the shit out of them.

You guys should try that sometime. That's what games are for: to be played, not gloss over each and every graphical nuance.

"Ye mighty, I am Oxymandias, King of Kings. Look upon my works, and dispair."

I'd scoff to ponder of what some of you did on the Atari days...
Did you saw GT4 in motion? To my best knowlegde, the only build shown so far was the E3 version. Anyone who was able to check out GT4 at E3, please comment.
IQ looked about the same as GT3, mostly hampered by texture aliasing - mipmapping still seemed mostly absent to me. Rally stage was probably the worst (especially aliasing of ground textures).
Fafalada said:
Did you saw GT4 in motion? To my best knowlegde, the only build shown so far was the E3 version. Anyone who was able to check out GT4 at E3, please comment.
IQ looked about the same as GT3, mostly hampered by texture aliasing - mipmapping still seemed mostly absent to me. Rally stage was probably the worst (especially aliasing of ground textures).
Thanx! I hoped for your feedback. From your expierence as PS2 developer, would it be possible to implement filtering at this stage or would it be too late?

Personal note: shimmering or not, I am looking forward to GT4. I pity those people, who reject one of the best racing games based on platform preference or little IQ imperfections.
Thanx! I hoped for your feedback.
Let's just hope it doesn't get selectively used as ammo by the critics though :?

From your expierence as PS2 developer, would it be possible to implement filtering at this stage or would it be too late?
What was shown on E3 was still very early build, so a lot of things can change by the time it's released.
From what I do know, they have a couple of interesting things lined up for the game itself (if we stop talking about graphical nitpicks for a moment).
Fafalada said:
Did you saw GT4 in motion? To my best knowlegde, the only build shown so far was the E3 version. Anyone who was able to check out GT4 at E3, please comment.
IQ looked about the same as GT3, mostly hampered by texture aliasing - mipmapping still seemed mostly absent to me. Rally stage was probably the worst (especially aliasing of ground textures).
The desert stage was the one I saw that had the major shimmering.
Is the texture aliasing you speak of the same thing?
I figure it is since you mention the lack of mip-mapping.

Surprisingly enough, GT4 plays a lot like GT3. The cars handle similarly, they drive realistically, and they generally handle in a reminiscent fashion. On the surface GT4 feels very much like GT3. But the game is early (early alpha stage), and as usual, Polyphony always impresses with its final product. Underneath the pretty surface, the cars handle with an incredible level of newly enhanced physics. The cars all feel heavier, though they still drive fast. The weight of each car seems to have been distributed with amazing realism, and in conjunction with the wheel differentiation, players will feel a sensation chill run down their spines as they play any single course.

The sense of speed varied for each car and it wasn't quite as fast as I initially said (60 FPS); it was more like somewhere in between 30-60 depending on the course. You can still see jaggies at this point and the game still obviously needs to be optimized and finalized, so I guess we can expect to see those vanish in the final version.

Wait until it's out to comment on how it looks :)
gtmax said:
While you guys are taking apart an aspect of a game that has absolutely nothing to do in terms of interferring with playing it (ie., shimmering, a term i had never heard about until these next gen systems), i'm at home actually playing these games and enjoying the shit out of them.

You guys should try that sometime. That's what games are for: to be played, not gloss over each and every graphical nuance.

Yes, it's funny how people discuss the visual aspects of a game here at Beyond3D, a site/forum based around graphical discussion.

Back to OA for you, son.
I really hope PD settles the butt ugly background shimmering. So freaking visible even with IGN tiny vids. As long as PS2 does not do away with its IQ noise artifacting issues, it will be a hard call to give it props for rendering 3D graphics.
I don't really think graphics improvements are very high on PD's to-do list for GT4. I think they are aware that millions of people playing the game are much more obsessed with cars themselves, and the way they behave, than problems like shimmering, that I'd bet 99.9% of people playing the game are not even aware of. That's why they are improving those aspects I mentioned (number of available cars, physics...). They want to make best driving game they can, and obviously have a different vision as to how accomplish that than some of us here :\

If they were to ask me, I'd let them make the game with max two cars per track, and up the visuals on them as much as possible. But who's asking me...
I think people are more aware of the shimmering(call em jaggies!) than you think. It is just that, well, they dun make that much of a noise than this chap guy. :LOL:
I think people are more aware of the shimmering(call em jaggies!) than you think. It is just that, well, they dun make that much of a noise than this chap guy.
Eh... I was a always a *super* graphics whore, and I never even thought twice about that issue in GT3 until I started visiting forums like this. Shimmering is something that occurs on many real life video footages btw, TV broadcast of racing included.

Many people can't even tell the difference between point sampled textures, and bilinear fitered ones... You clearly have no clue how much people uneducated about graphics features (that is, mostly everyone) are clueless about those things.

Anyways, most of the press seems to be doing backflips over GT4, they've been playing the game and I didn't, so I can't really comment much about it.
Most people probably aren't aware that there is such a thing as texture filtering, but that's not to say the improvement in image quality, in going from point sampled to bilinear filtered, is imperceptible to them. It's the same way that increased lighting complexity gives increasingly subtle improvements. People intuitively know it looks "better", but they couldn't tell you why.

A lot of the time people aren't aware of why they think something looks "better", they just think it does. And there's nothing wrong with that.
chaphack said:
I think people are more aware of the shimmering(call em jaggies!) than you think. It is just that, well, they dun make that much of a noise than this chap guy. :LOL:

that's because you 'look' for the type of filtering while playing meguess.

anyway for the PS2 the levels of texture filtering on Par with GT3 should be fine (although bilinear + MIP maps would be nice). not too distrating on most tracks.

and no the 'jaggies' where much less of a problem than the poor texture filtering in the first place.
You know I remeber the FFVII comercials back in 97 and I remember ny younger brother tellin me that IF the game looked like that Sony was going to make a killing.....He was diappionted that it was CG and not realtime but I was'nt ......FFVII was the game that brought me to do some research on Sony which happens to be my FAVORITE today...I had the Saturn at the time and Before getting a PSone I made sure that I got FFVII
which to me is one of the most Favorite games of all time putting RPGS on the map.....it had it all.